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  1. 防曬涼感外套 相關

  2. 穿對防曬,紫外線掰掰!款式多樣任選,國際ARPANSA認證【UPF50+最高防曬涼感親膚,持續保護! 連帽款、全罩式等多款式防曬機能外套,滿足各式需求,涼感透氣久穿不悶熱,陪你度過炎熱夏天!

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  1. Nucleum is a heavy euro board game in which players take role of industrialists trying to succeed during the economic and technological boom of 19th-century Saxony, fueled by the invention and spread of the Nucleum (a nuclear reactor). Players earn victory points by developing their networks, building and powering urban buildings, securing ...

    • (4K)
  2. 2016年12月13日 · 1. Mythos Phase (神話階段) -放置 1 個未日指示物到行程卡 (Agenda)上。 -檢查未日指示物到數量有否滿足行程卡,如果滿足,觸發新的經歷。 (必定是壞事) -每個玩家抽一張遭遇並解決。 (必定是壞事) 2. Investigation Phase (玩家階段) -每個玩家輪流執行3個行動。 3.

  3. Hovercraft, tanks and infantry slug it out with tactical nuclear devices. But the most feared weapon of all needs no human guidance. It's a giant cybernetic tank called the OGRE. The basic OGRE game gives one player a force of infantry and armor, and a command post he must defend.

  4. Wavelength is a social guessing game in which two teams compete to read each other's minds. Teams take turns rotating a dial to where they think a hidden bullseye is located on a spectrum.

  1. 防曬涼感外套 相關

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  4. 員工激動:假日也想穿!有型有款、時尚力爆棚、俐落又體面的團體制服量身訂做,速來電! 建立專屬形象!各大企業長期合作,設計師團隊量身打造,讓隔壁公司羨慕到哭,立即來電!

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