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  1. Amass your navy for battle, plan your strategy with three kinds of dice, then roll them all at once to resolve the battle in a flash. Each game contains a hundred wooden ships and agents, 18 custom engraved dice, a beautiful six-panel board, and tons of cards with over 60 pieces of unique art.

    • (398)
  2. Picture this: the latest Hawk Springs Rodeo is in town, and the excitement is palpable. But when Patches the Rodeo Clown is found murdered, the fun comes to a screeching halt. With everyone close to Patches a suspect, it's up to you to crack the case and catch the killer.

    • (16)
  3. In the wondrous lands of all of Earth’s dreams, there exists a fiction so real it may as well be fact. Only those dreamers who have left the waking world behind may venture into the darkest recesses of the dream to behold this singular, shimmering truth.

    • (17)
  4. 45 Min. Playing Time. Age: 14+. Community: 12+. Weight: 3.41 / 5. 'Complexity' Rating. Alternate Names アンドロイド:ネットランナー + 2 more. Designer Richard Garfield, Lukas Litzsinger. Artist Bruno Balixa, Ralph Beisner, Del Borovic, Adam S. Doyle + 8 more. Publisher Fantasy Flight Games + 7 more. See Full Credits. My rating. Buy. Sleeve. Add To Collection.

  5. Family. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Slaughterhouse is a one vs. many fight for survival. One person plays as the deranged Sawyer family — Bubba Sawyer, the infamous Leatherface, along with the Hitchhiker, the Old Man, and Grandpa — dragging victims to their farmhouse and harvesting their meat for a grizzly barbecue.

  6. HEXplore It is a hero building adventure board game. Enter a realm teeming with fantasy creatures, heroes and villains. Select your hero by combining two character options: your Role and Race. Your Role is your profession and your Race is your heritage and species.

  7. 1. Introduction The Civil War is not something I am an expert in – despite having been, like many French kids, raised on Les Tuniques Bleues (The Blue Jackets), a comic by Lambil & Cauvin, with Corporal Blutch (who taught his mare to play dead), Sergeant Chesterfield and Captain Stark. I do

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