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  1. 資料時間:2024/06/01

  2. 例句與用法. Material : galvanized steel strip and asbestos line 材質 :低碳鍍鋅鋼帶及石棉線。. It can self - adjusting to the different material 冷熱溫度依不同 材質 可自行調整。. Diffuse . apply tone of color into modeling 漫反射貼圖:在模型上加上 材質 的本色。. Fire extinguisher , textile ...

  3. 中文翻譯 手機版. n. 1.【化學】。 2.【電學】碳精棒 [片、粉];碳精電極。 3. (一張)復寫紙。 4.復寫的副本。 短語和例子. "breakaway of carbon-carbon bond" 中文翻譯 : -碳鍵斷裂. "breakdown of carbon-carbon bond" 中文翻譯 : -碳鍵斷裂; -碳鍵斷裂. "carbon carbon bond" 中文翻譯 : -碳鏈. "carbon-carbon bond cleavage" 中文翻譯 : -碳鏈斷裂. "carbon-carbon composite" 中文翻譯 : -碳復合材料. "carbon-carbon composite material" 中文翻譯 : 碳復合材料.

  4. 例句與用法 N . c . v . no commercial value 無商業價值 Ncv no commercial value 無商業價值 N . c . v no commercial 無商業價值 A document is generally defined as a written , typed or printed communication of no commercial value 文件通常定義為 無商業價值 的手寫、打字或打印的通訊內容。 The results show that the pearls mainly contain aragonites , with ...

  5. 碳的同素異形體包括金剛石、石墨和木炭,所有這些物質都具有相同的化學性質。 Such small tolerances require careful design and machining of the graphite boat and slider so that the sliding motion is smooth and without jitter .

  6. 例句與用法 Engaging caring companies to participate in social services 履行社會責任 企業社 福機構攜手合作 Thoughts on learning world expearence for chinese social ensuring system of oil enterprises 完善中國石油 企業社 保制度的思考 用"企業社"造句

  7. 即使是在較的溫度下操作,也能輕易的做到高 良率 的產出。. Monitoring process defect , especially wave soldering defect , provide improvement action online to improve the yield. 監控制程缺陷特別是波峰焊缺陷,要及時提供改善措施改善制程 良率 。. " utilizes spc tool to analyses , control and ...

  8. 例句與用法 Nickel chromium molybdenum steel forgings for general use 一般用途鎳 鉻鉬鋼 鍛件 Molybdenum steel and chromium molybdenum steel covered electrodes 鉬鋼及 鉻鉬鋼 涂復電焊條 Chromium molybdenum steel forgings for general use 一般用途 鉻鉬鋼 鍛件 Aluminium chromium molybdenum steels 鋁 鉻鉬鋼 Mag welding solid wires for molybdenum steel and ...

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