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  1. 胸肺外科手術. Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, spine surgery, neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, paediatric and adult urology, otorhinolaryngology, vascular ...

  2. 2010年11月4日 · 熊維嘉醫生. Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, spine surgery, neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, paediatric and adult urology, otorhinolaryngology, vascular surgery ...

  3. 胸肺外科手術. Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, spine surgery, neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, paediatric and adult urology, otorhinolaryngology, vascular ...

  4. 2010年11月4日 · 醫者與乳癌病人的共喜共憂. Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, spine surgery, neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, paediatric and adult urology ...

  5. 外科手術. Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, spine surgery, neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, paediatric and adult urology, otorhinolaryngology, vascular ...

  6. 胸腺癌誘發重症肌無力徵狀. 阿偉 (化名)是行政人員,一天他突然發現看東西時出現重影,飲食亦受影響,連吃飯的氣力也沒有,只能吃粥,飲水亦會嗆塞,經醫生診斷後,證實他患上重症肌無力,並同時患上胸腺癌,需接受手術和藥物治療。. 縱隔腫瘤以胸腺 ...

  7. 由於即使胸腺腫瘤屬於良性,都有機會變成惡性,所以一旦發現腫瘤,均會安排切除手術,避免日後惡化或擴散到其他組織。. 胸腺腫瘤視乎擴散情況來分期,第一期是腫瘤周圍有一層膜包圍而沒有出現擴散跡象;第二期是腫瘤已走出自身的包膜並侵犯至附近的 ...

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