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  1. 你認真的嗎?. We had people call their crush and say: "I have feelings for you." 我們請大家打電話給他們的暗戀對象,說「我喜歡你。. - Call your crush and say, "I have feelings for you." - 打給你的暗戀對象,跟他說「我喜歡你。. - Oh, God. - 天啊。. - Oh, God. - 喔,老天。.

  2. 這讓我思考. The kinds of things you need to learn in seventh grade math, 學生所要學的七年級數學概念. sure, they're hard: ratios, decimals, 無庸置疑,是有難度的:比率、小數. the area of a parallelogram. 計算平行四邊形的面積. But these concepts are not impossible, 但這些觀念並未困難到學不起來. and I was firmly convinced that every one of my students. 而我深信,我教的每一位學生. could learn the material.

  3. 在受試者中,得分較高的都是較優的交易員,在金融界生存較久,收入也比心率反應小的同儕高。 So , in this case , interoceptive ability does correlate to good decisions in a risky environment , but correlation isn 't causation .

  4. 因此他便寫下了使那本他留名青史的著作:《君王論》。. A short, dazzling manual of advice for well-disposed princes on how not to finish last. 這本簡短卻令人目眩神迷的的小冊子,旨在告訴有那些懷抱著良善意圖的王子們,應該要怎麼做才不會敬陪末座。. And the answer, in short, was ...

  5. I left a very demanding job in management consulting. 辭去了一份很費心血的管理諮詢工作,. for a job that was even more demanding: teaching. 而接受了一份更辛苦的工作:教書。. I went to teach seventh graders math. 我在紐約的公立學校. in the New York City public schools. 教七年級學生數學。. And ...

  6. 我最近的一本書叫做《正確的錯誤:成功失敗的科學》。. I identify three archetypes of failure, and only one of them is the good kind. 我確定了失敗的三種原型,而其中只有一種是好的。. The first kind, basic failure. 第一種,基本失敗。. A basic failure is something in known territory where a ...

  7. To find out, here are eight things you should look out for. 想要找到的話,可以注意下列八件事。 Number one, you feel a near-instant feeling of familiarity with them. 第一,你會對他們產生近乎立即的熟悉感。 Do you feel drawn to them for some reason? 你是否因某種原因覺得被對方吸引?