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  1. In order to understand the characteristics of ground motion in Taiwan, particularly for the urban areas, during strong earthquakes. CWB has gradually build a large number of free-field strong-motion stations since 1991, forming the Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumentation Program network TSMIP.

  2. Missions. The missions mainly include: Monitoring seismic activities in and around Taiwan. In order to monitor seismic activities in real time, the CWB uses leased lines to transmit various velocity and acceleration ground motion digital signals from remote stations to the Seismological Center for analyzing, processing, and archiving.

  3. 幾乎所有人都感覺搖晃,有人會有恐懼感. 房屋震動,碗盤門窗發出聲音,懸掛物搖擺. 靜止汽車明顯搖動,電線略有搖晃. 4. 中震. 25~80. 有相當程度恐懼感,部分人會尋求躲避地方,睡眠中人幾乎都會驚醒. 房屋搖動甚烈,底座不穩物品傾倒,較 ...

  4. Real-time Seismic Monitoring Network. Since the founding of the Seismological Center in August 1989, it has been actively promoting 'Plan to Strengthen Earthquake Prediction and Establish Seismic Monitoring Network' to expand the seismic monitoring network and collect earthquake data.

  5. 為了推動地震前兆研究,氣象署在1999年集集地震發生後開始建置臺灣地球物理觀測網(Taiwan Geophysical Network for Seismology, TGNS)。 首先在2001年建置高密度全球衛星定位系統,透過高精度GPS衛星大地測量,建立臺灣地區大地變形資料庫,提供地震前兆研究以及 ...

  6. The intensity of an earthquake is a measure of the degree of vibration that people can feel on the Earth's surface, or the degree of damage for an object under vibration. Today seismic apparatus is able to portray detailed earthquake acceleration, such that the intensity can be classified according to the information on the acceleration.

  7. 1P波(primary wave,縱波或壓縮波):性質與音波相似,質點運動和波傳播方向一致,速度最快。. 2S波(shear wave or secondary wave,橫波或剪力波):質點運動與波傳播方向垂直,產生前後左右在水平各方向振動,速度次之。. (2) 表面波 (surface wave):沿地球表層或 ...

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