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  1. 為什麼現在年輕人找工作那麼難呢?. Three broad reasons come to mind: inappropriate skill sets (skills), government regulations, and uncertainty. 腦海中浮現三個主要的原因:不適用的技能、政府法規、還有確定性。. Youth unemployment may partially be the result of a mismatch between the skills young ...

  2. 為什麼現在找工作感覺像不可能的任務一樣困難?. (Why Getting A Job Feels Impossible Right Now) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. On paper, the job market now looks solid. 從理論上來看,目前的就業市場看起來很穩健。. Unemployment hit a 54-year-low at 3.4% back in January of 2023, and U.S ...

  3. 如何找到滿意的工作? (How to Find Fulfilling Work) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. The idea that work might be fulfilling, rather than just painfully necessary, is a strikingly recent invention. - [How to find fufilling work.] 工作能讓人獲得滿足,而非無可避免的痛苦,出乎意料是近期才發現的事。

    • Identify Your Goals。第一、辨識你的目標。The first step you need to take is identifying your goals.
    • Do Work That You Love。第二、從事熱愛的工作。If you work a job that you genuinely enjoy, it won't feel like work, but, rather, a good hobby that you're getting paid to do.
    • Stop Putting So Much Pressure on Yourself。第三、不要再給自己太大壓力。Many of us fail to find work-life balance because we put too much pressure on ourselves.
    • Plan in Advance。第四、提前計劃。Great planning is the gateway to a perfect work-life balance.
  4. 現在找工作幾乎都會遇到面試,到底面試的時候需要注意什麼? 要準備哪些東西?可以講自己的缺點嗎?能不能小小抱怨一下前主管或同事呢? 趕快點進來學習一些面試小撇步吧!1keys to getting a job0:06 keys 在這裡的意思是「鑰匙」,而是「關鍵」。

    • 2 分鐘
  5. 找工作買房背貸款做抵押貸款接下來 25 年都花在繳清貸款然後到 65 歲的時候拿退休金養老

  6. 第一個面試最常見的問題:自我介紹。 For this question, don't talk about your personal life. 面對這個問題,千萬要介紹自己的私生活。 Highlight your strengths by talking about specific past work experiences. 重點放在講述過去工作的實戰經驗,來顯示你的優勢。 The second most commonly asked question is—why should we hire you? 第二個問題是:我們為何要僱用你?

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