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  1. 無論你是哪種宅宅,充實內在 都是必須的! 擁有外語力不僅 好找工作 ,還能 防失憶 , 增強對社會的抵抗力 不過如果可以…

  2. flick, flip riffle, leaf, riff peruse. wave - a movement up and down or back and forth. curl, wave twist. bump - knock against with force or violence. hit, strike. cheek - either side of the face below the eyes. talk, speak. polite - showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior.

  3. ‧ Home ‧ 企業方案洽詢 ‧ 付款方式 ‧ 我選課 ‧ 人才招募 ‧ FAQ 程度測試 預約專線 服務時間: 週一至五 AM 9:00~PM 23:00

  4. 程度測試預約專線 服務時間:週一至五 AM 9:00~PM 23:00 週六至日 AM 9:00~PM 21:00

  5. Films Types of movies a. Horror or Scary movie b. Comedy or Funny movie c. Science Fiction movie d. Romantic Movie e. War Movie f. Fantasy Movie

  6. Vocabulary Ache – pain, to suffer or feel pain. Ex. Head-ache, stomach-ache, tooth-ache, backache, nose-bleed. Infection – the act of infecting means the virus has been multiplying or wide-spreading. Ex. Ear infection, eye infection. Dizzy - Having a whirling feeling and a tendency to fall. ...

  7. 精彩大學生活,如何築夢不留白?練好英文讓未來路更廣!HiTutor一對 線上家教,提升你的英文競爭力,讓你的夢想不設限! 姓名 連絡電話 我同意隱私權政策 Email 試讀課程 ...

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