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  1. 第一步:最重要的事是你必須非常確定自己想要分手。 If you're not happy in the relationship, that is a huge red flag. 如果妳不快樂,就代表這段感情已亮紅燈。 Ask yourself the following questions: do you communicate well? 問自己以下問題:你們的溝通狀況良好嗎? Does your partner accept you as you are? 另一半能接受妳最真實的樣子嗎? Are you open with your partner or do you find yourself keeping secrets from him? 你對另一半敞開心胸,還是有秘密相瞞?

  2. 不知道怎麼用英文跟第一次見面的人講話嗎?這幾個實用的用語學起來!(How to Start a Conversation in English (with new people)) #

  3. 2019年1月12日 · There are the moments that you truly cherish at the end of your life. These are End goals and these are what you should be chasing. Once you ask yourself what experiences, do I want to have in my life, you will identify what your End goals are. 有些時光是到生命盡頭時也會真正珍惜的時光。. 這些是最終目標 ...

  4. 他們會回去看自己原本在看的書、在看的 YouTube 影片,或是繼續滑 Facebook。 They would act as if nothing had happened. 好像什麼都沒發生過一樣。

  5. 大多數人選擇靜悄悄地過著麻木人生. We've been holding back, 我們被自己壓抑住了. we have ideas that we don't act on. Things we want do, we're afraid to take a chances. 我們有想法卻不去實踐,有想做的事情 ,但害怕冒著風險. See, a lot of people say 'No' to things that they don't even know what they are saying 'No' to. 很多人甚至連拒絕的時候,都不知道自己在抗拒什麼. Don't allow 'but' to keep you in the corner.

  6. 【看動畫學英文】《怪獸電力公司》詹姆斯把阿布嚇哭還被丟到雪地裡!(Monsters, Inc-Sully frightens Boo-it wasn't real-That's not her door-It's yours-Banished)

  7. 親愛的,好久不見. Dealin' with the cards life dealt. 生活忙得團團轉. I'm still holdin' back these tears. 我還強忍著淚. While my friends are somewhere else. 而我朋友們早已在別處闖蕩. I pictured this year a little bit different, wedded in February. 以為今年會有所不同,二月的婚禮並未如期而至. I step in the bar, it hit me so hard, oh, how can it be this heavy? 踏入酒吧,回憶襲來,怎會如此沈重?

  1. 其他人也搜尋了