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  1. 關於這個應用程式. 每個小時刻都能擴大交友圈。. 在 Instagram 上分享生活點滴。. 與朋友聯繫、尋找其他粉絲,並瞭解周遭流行的事物。. 探索您的興趣,並發佈日常時刻或精彩時光來分享大小事。. 分享您的最新動態和興趣。. - 利用 24 小時候就會消失的限時 ...

  2. 4 天前 · Explore your interests and post what's going on, from your daily moments to life's highlights. Share what you’re up to and into on Insta®. - Keep up with friends on the fly with Stories and Notes that disappear after 24 hours. - Start group chats and share unfiltered moments with your Close Friends. - Share memories from recent events or ...

  3. 关于此应用. 分享点滴瞬间,构筑深厚友谊。. 在 Instagram 分享精彩内容。. 与好友联系,吸引其他粉丝及了解周围人的当前动态和感兴趣的事物。. 探索您的兴趣及发布最新动态,从您的日常点滴到人生精彩时刻。. 分享您的当前动态及感兴趣的事物。. - 利用展示 ...

  4. Explore your interests and post what's going on, from your daily moments to life's highlights. Share what you’re up to and into on Insta®. - Keep up with friends on the fly with Stories and Notes that disappear after 24 hours. - Start group chats and share unfiltered moments with your Close Friends. - Share memories from recent events or ...

  5. 2 天前 · About this app. Instagram Lite from Meta is a fast and smaller version of Instagram. Built to perform well on slower networks, use less mobile data and take up less storage space on your phone, Instagram Lite makes it easier to bring yourself closer to the people and things you love. Express yourself and connect with people over creative moments.

  6. 2018年10月29日 · Layout lets you create one-of-a-kind layouts by remixing your own photos and sharing them with your friends. Choose photos from your gallery—or use the built-in Photo Booth to snap spur-of-the-moment shots—and instantly see them laid out in a cool collage. Pick the layout you like best, then edit it to make it your own.

  7. 2015年1月取英文名Ray Du,簡稱RD=阿滴,在YouTube開設「阿滴英文」頻道,結合新聞時事、流行歌曲、電影、廣告等題材,製作創意、逗趣的教學影片,同時開設臉書粉絲頁,並在IG上以「每日一滴」為名,多管齊下地分享主題式英語教學與介紹生活常用片語 ...