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  1. 板屋陪你一起蟹蟹媽咪~. 以日式精緻的雅文化,打造和風洋食餐飲,享受用心灑下每一款滋味,都為了滿足您與家人的美味關係!.

  2. 陶板故事. ストーリー. 以家為出發的和風洋食料理,嚴選當令食材,. 搭配日式手法料理,以滿足全家大小口味的多樣選擇,. 拉近全家人的美味關係。. 知書答禮. 教育. 陶板屋投入閱讀教育推廣. 關懷偏遠地區.

  3. 以日式精緻的雅食文化,打造和風洋食餐飲享受,用心灑下每一款滋味,都為了滿足您與家人的美味關係!

  4. (1) 為了提供您更好用餐品質,如有需要"和風蔬食套餐", 請於前一日來電預約,謝謝! (2) 肉品來源以各門店公告為準。 (3) 本餐廳得依季節更替調整菜單內容。

  5. 陶板屋_2012知書答禮

  6. Our Menu|Tokiya - Japanese-Western Fusion Cuisine. メニュー. Tokiya delicacies. Based on the exquisite Japanese fine dining culture, we have created the ultimate indulgence in Japanese-Western Fusion Cuisine. Every dish is designed to satisfy the taste buds of you and your family! Note. 【和風套餐單點】前菜、沙拉、湯、和食、甜點、飲料每道110元、主餐每道370元、嫩烤雪花翼板牛排、炙烤蒜香羊排單點各470元.

  7. 板屋 【家家有本愛媽經】女兒篇. Get a taste of Japan at Tokiya! Based on the exquisite Japanese fine dining culture, we have created the ultimate indulgence in Japanese-Western Fusion Cuisine. Have a taste of delectable creative cuisine in a space full of Japanese culture.