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  1. 腸病毒71型疫苗. 產品簡介. 控制腸病毒疫情的最佳公衛手段,為全球首例取得2-6個月齡嬰幼兒族群臨床數據的開發案。. 腸病毒感染為幼兒常見的疾病,尤其容易在濕、熱的環境下生存及傳播,台灣、中國及亞洲等地區為最嚴重流行區域。. 在所有腸病毒中,除了 ...

  2. 2022年4月13日 · 高端腸病毒EV71型疫苗第三期多國多中心臨床數據,已由全球四大醫學期刊之一的《刺胳針》(The Lancet,Impact Factor: 79.321)完成審查發表,並獲得Lancet專家撰文推薦。 高端此項腸病毒71型疫苗第三期試驗,為全球同型疫苗中首先採取多國多中心(MRCT)跨國執行、並涵蓋至2~6個月低齡嬰幼兒的試驗。

  3. 加上腸病毒型別非常多種,且不同型別無法交叉保護,因此建議六歲以下重症高危險的兒童,無論過去是否得過腸病毒,都可以施打腸病毒71型疫苗,為孩子提供最有效的保護。

  4. 2023年4月12日 · 2023/04/12高端腸病毒71型(EV71)疫苗取得衛福部查驗登記核准,預計供貨時間為今年第三季起. 高端EV71疫苗以完整的第三期臨床疫苗保護力數據取得國內新藥查驗登記之「常規藥證」核准,為國內第一個非採加速核准機制核准的腸病毒疫苗藥證。. 高端EV71疫苗在 ...

  5. On September 28th MVC obtains TFDA's IND approval to conduct phase 2 POC clinical trial in Taiwan. Since the risk of dengue fever increases significantly in Taiwan's elderlies, this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 clinical trial will include subjects up to 70 years old to verify vaccine's immunity and safety in senior ...

  6. EV71 Vaccine. Introduction. MVC's Enterovirus A71 Vaccine is the world's 1st enterovirus A71 vaccine with clinical data for infants aged 2-6 months. Enterovirus A71 Vaccine is also one of the best preventive agents to control enterovirus infection with severe complications. Enterovirus A71 is significantly more pathogenic than other known ...

  7. 2021/07/19MVC COVID-19 Vaccine Obtains Taiwan EUA Approval. TAIPEI, TAIWAN --July 19th, 2021. Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp (MVC) obtains Taiwan EUA approval due to MVC's COVID-19 vaccine has fulfilled following EUA standards set by Taiwan's regulatory agencies: 1.For the GMT of MVC-COV1901, the lower bound of 95% confidence interval (CI) is 3 ...

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