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  1. 外媒大力關注台灣25年來最大地震大讚台灣多年來的防震成果 (Videos show aftermath of Taiwan earthquake as search and rescue efforts continue) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. Emergency workers in Taiwan are looking for dozens of people who are still missing after the island was hit by its strongest ...

  2. 一場 9 級地震已經顯著改變了地球的自轉; 本世紀的兩次 9 級以上地震都將一天的長度改變了微小但可測量的幾分之一秒。 In order to get to magnitude 10, you 'd need a ruptured fault line three and a half thousand kilometers long , and a magnitude 11 quake would require a fault that went half way ...

  3. 引發地震的力量在數百年或數千年的時間裡慢慢積累因此即使是相當準確的地震預報也需要幾個世紀的時間這並不能真正回答我的問題我今天必須去上班嗎還是說我到中午就死了

  4. 地震發生的起始店被稱為震源」,而地震傳遞到地表上的中心點則被稱為震央」。 There are three types of Earthquakes . 地震總共分為三種。

  5. 首先,躲到桌下來保護自己。. If there's time, open a door to secure an exit. 如果有時間,就打開一扇門確保出口安全。. In a high rise building, tremors could continue for ten minutes, or more. 在高樓大廈,震動可能會持續10分鐘或超過。. Although the shaking may make you feel sick, the building is ...

  6. 如果加州發生大地震怎麼辦 (What If A Mega Earthquake Hit California) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. Catastrophic earthquake scenarios. 災難性地震場景. have played out on the silver screen for decades, 幾十年來一直在銀幕上上演。. terrifying viewers with quakes that can collapse skyscrapers. 震得 ...

  7. Absolutely. Mostly when these tectonic plates move, they brush against each other without causing great damage. However, sometimes they get stuck and cannot easily slide against each other. But the plates still keep pushing, thus creating pressure. Eventually, the pressure builds up so much that one of the plates suddenly moves above the other.

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