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  1. This is the new one-dose Covid-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson. 這是嬌生公司所新推出的單劑型Covid-19疫苗. In early March, more than 6,000 doses. 3月初,有超過6千多劑. were supposed to be shipped to the city of Detroit, Michigan. 本來是要運到密西根州底特律市的. But the mayor said, no thanks. 但市長說,不用了,謝謝. "Moderna and Pfizer are the best. 「莫德納和輝瑞是最好的。

  2. 打疫苗既期待又怕受傷害?. 來了解為什麼你應該害怕針頭 (Why You Should Be Afraid Of Needles) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. COVID-19 vaccine • A COVID‑19 vaccine is a vaccine intended to provide acquired immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019.

  3. 你必須乘坐隔離出租車,專門把你從你要去的地方送到你的隔離區。. I got to this hotel, and we went down into, like, the cargo entrance, and in it is this screen, with a person on the other side of a webcam, and they just basically told me like, Take that elevator, don't touch anything, and we'll program it to go up to ...

  4. 你全身佈滿金黃色葡萄球菌鏈球菌大腸桿菌,還有其他可疑的病菌,想要利用你和你身體的資源去滋養自己、找安身之處,再拼命繁殖。. And, hey, we all gotta make a living. But it is not your job to give these guys a free lunch. 嘿,大家都要維持生計,但你不需要給這些傢伙 ...

  5. the beginning of an unstressed syllable, by pressing the tongue behind the closed teeth. 通過將舌頭壓在閉合的牙齒後面,開始一個不緊張的音節。. So, the tongue tip will press behind where the teeth come together, but not actually. 所以,舌尖會壓在牙齒合攏的地方後面,但實際上不是. come all the way ...

  6. 字幕與單字. 由 AI 自動生成. A1 初級 中文 美國腔 圖書館 迷路 地方 醫院 學校 公園. 你有沒有迷路的經驗呢? 何嘉仁FunTube看世界【Public Places】 (Public Places) 1594 65. Hess 發佈於 2016 年 11 月 08 日.

  7. 依照你住在哪裡,四季發生在一年裡不同時間。 That 's because the Earth is tilted on its axis. 那是因為地軸傾斜。 Part of the year, the top half of the Earth is tilted away from the sun, so it gets less sunlight. 一年中的一段時間,地球上半部傾斜遠離太陽,所以照

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