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  1. Bio. "Hendro Sangkoyo, principal researcher at the School of Democratic Economics (SDE), a learning network he co-founded in 2007. The overarching learning theme that SDE is concerned with is the underlying logic of the deepening social-ecological crisis and the imperative for its reversal.

  2. Discussion Jennifer Gidley: "The genealogy of the term integral is somewhat contested among contemporary integral theorists and researchers. In the middle of last century cultural philosopher Jean Gebser (Gebser, 1949/1985) used the term integral to refer to a new ...

  3. Michel Bauwens, 2003: Tzvetan Todorov introduced the concept of 'Exotopy', to describe a situation, seen from an 'outside'. He cites Tocqueville on America, and Louis Dumont's description of the Indian caste system (Homo Hierarchicus). He describes Louis Dumont as a key thinker reflecting on the interplay between equality and hierarchy: "il ...

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    By William Bogard : "There is a complex relation between haptic control and what Deleuze calls "dividuation," the logic of control societies. Individuation, the logic of disciplinary societies, is external division of a mass into distinct, numbered (or signed) entities. Dividuation, on the other hand, is the internal division of entities into measu...

    How dividuation differs from 'difference': "Dividuation is tied to control and parametric modulation. It is the logic of capitalist accumulation that breaks down life into measures of information, and populations into databases. We distinguish dividuation from internal differenciation, which, according to Deleuze, is not a process of modulation but...

  4. Academic background Tiberius studied Physics at Universite de Montreal, Canada, Nuclear Medicine and Radiobiology at Universite de Sherbrooke, Canada, Philosophy (epistemology, logics and formal systems) at Universite de Quebec a Montreal, Canada.

  5. 2017年1月31日 · Homo Cooperans. = booklet of lecture by Tine De Moor, delivered at her inauguration as Professor of Institutions for Collective Action in Historical Perspective, August 30, 2013. URLs =. Homo cooperans. Institutions for collective action and the compassionate society.

  6. 2023年3月9日 · More bluntly put, we think that professional philosophy is seriously fucked up in various ways that, ironically and even tragically, oppose and undermine the ongoing project of real philosophy. The twofold purpose of Against Professional Philosophy, then, is, first, to provide a serious critique of contemporary professional philosophy, for the ...