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  1. = Noosphere researcher Research Clement Vidal: "The main focus of my research is the origin of the Universe and the far-future of intelligence, which my book is about. I co-founded a research community with John Smart exploring the idea of an Evolutionary ...

  2. San Pisith is a Buddhist Monk and an Early Stage Researcher at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance. He has joined the Cosmolocalism project since September 2019 to pursue a Ph.D. at TalTech, Estonia. His Ph.D. thesis focuses on Buddhist Economics, Buddhist Governance, Commons, and Happiness and Public Purpose.

  3. 2024年4月28日 · Across five different stages of humanity: • Paleolithic (300,000 - 11,000 years ago) • Neolithic (11,000 years ago - 3,000 BCE) • Classical (3,000 BCE - 1400 CE) • Modern (1,400 CE - present) • Future. This series of short films explores the ways humanity is building the nervous system of a superorganism, called the noosphere.

  4. Description. Conversation with host Cadell Last, on the Philosophy Portal, on the planetary mind. "The noosphere as a planetary superorganism and the noosphere as a sphere of mind, storing, processing and spreading information. I also present two key aspects to better grasp the concept: the noosphere as a planetary major evolutionary transition ...

  5. * Article / Report: Commitment Pooling - An Economic Protocol Inspired by Ancestral Wisdom. By William O. Ruddick - Founder of Grassroots Economics Foundation, 2024 URL = () "a protocol that GrE is developing for resource coordination. The paper theorizes ...

  6. In the final years before his passing (the late 1940s), Berdyaev observed that humanity was set to experience a crisis of a new totality, a crisis that had hitherto never been seen. The crisis was believed to be based on the onset of a profound lack of balance between spirituality with relation to political organization and modern technology ...

  7. The system claims to be effective at achieving popular consensus around contentious issues over a period of two or three weeks with anywhere from 100 to tens of thousands of participants or more. Polis has been used to generate consensus on climate issues in Austria (2022), in Uruguay on a national referendum (2020–2021), in New Zealand to ...