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  1. In line with the Confucian idea that political leadership should be based on de (virtue, ), Confucian meritocrats maintain that political leaders selected on the basis of their political competence and moral character should have a greater than or equal influence to

  2. Reed's law is the assertion of David P. Reed that the utility of large networks, particularly social networks, can scale exponentially with the size of the network. Contents. 1 Description. 2 Discussion. 2.1 Difference between groups based on Metcalfe's Law and those base on Reed's Law. 2.2 Critique. 3 More Information. Description.

    • Introduction
    • Excerpts
    • More Information
    • Examples

    Ezio Manzini: "There is an urgent need to promote neweconomic models, new production systemsand new ideas of well-being. To define andimplement these new models is, of course,very difficult. But it is not impossible. And wedo not have to start from zero. Indeed, over the last few decades, amultiplicity of social “actors” (including institutions,ent...

    Ezio Manzini: "These three examples of a new kind of relationship betweenfarmers and citizens and between food and agricultureare emblematic of a larger wave of social innovation3 thatis taking place around the world. Not only are we seeing anew way of eating emerging, a new relationship betweenproduction and consumption and between the city and th...

    Sustainable Everyday Project and DESIS, ; SEP,
    E.F Schumacher, Small is Beautiful, Economics as if People Mattered (London: Blond and Briggs, 1973).
    Francois Jegou and Ezio Manzini, Collaborative Services: Social innovation and design for sustainability, (Milano: Polidesign,

    Ainonghui, Farmers’ association, Liuzhou, Guangxi

    "In 2005, in Liuzhou, Guangxi (China), a group of citizensfound that they could not access good, safe food in theordinary markets. They went to some villages, about atwo hour drive from the city, and found that traditionalagriculture models, though struggling, still survived inthe remote countryside. With the intention of helpingthe poor farmers and developing a stable channel ofgood, organic food, they found a social enterprise,Ainonghui. Today, this farmers’ association manages four organic...

    Little Donkey Farm, Beijing, China

    "Started in 2008, Little Donkey Farm is China’s firstcommunity-supported agricultural model. Locatedin a suburb of Beijing, about two hours drive fromthe city centre, the farm has, to date, 200 memberswho share the farm activities and 400 members whosubscribe to a weekly home delivery of a box of farmproduce. Already, the farm is the hub of an innovativefood network in Beijing with increasing numbers of eco-friendly and organic farms joining. The ultimate goal is to turn Little Donkey Farm in...

    Hansalim, South Korea

    "Launched in 1986, Hansalim is a Korean foodcooperative. As of August 2010, it boasts 2,302,000consumers and 2000 producers from 19 differentregions in South Korea. 2009 sales amounted to €100million. Hansalim (Korean for “save all living things”), aims topreserve the ecosystem while rebuilding communitieswhere producers and consumers are connected. Inan effort to support sustainable agriculture, 76% ofthe sales goes to producers and the balance is ear-marked as the cooperative’s operating co...

  3. wiki.p2pfoundation.netP2P Foundation

    The P2P Foundation is an international organization focused on studying, researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices in a very broad sense. This wiki is our knowledge commons. Our motto is " Together we know everything, together we have everything ", i.e. pooling our resources through commons, creates prosperity for all.

  4. China has already formed a much larger and better down-top ecosystem, manifesting the ultimate goal of the Maker Movement – democratizing innovation. We call it the New Shanzhai. The Chinese word for Shanzhai can be traced back to year 1999-2000, representing the act of copying and duplicating brand products. In recent years, Shanzhai has ...

  5. 本文旨在阐述一个概念性框架,一个“点对点理论”的导论部分,相信该框架可以足以使大家理解该新兴社会模式。 点对点(P2P)的定义. P2P不仅仅是简单发生在分布式网络里的任行为或生产方式:它们特指旨在增加平等参与者最广泛参与的行为或方法。 我们将在研究P2P模式的特点时详细定义这些术语,以下是最普遍和最重要的一些特征: P2P是指被创造的如下的生产方式: - 通过生产者(他们可以取得所分配的资本)之间的自由合作产生使用价值:这就是对等生产模式,“第三种生产模式”,不同于国有企业的公营或营利性生产。 其产品不具有市场上的交换价值,而在使用者团体具有使用价值。 - 其过程和决策由生产者团体自行管理,而不受市场分配或企业管理层级的支配。 这就是P2P管理模式,或“第三种管理模式”。

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