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  1. Description. "In The Zero Marginal Cost Society, New York Times bestselling author Jeremy Rifkin argues that the capitalist era is passing—not quickly, but inevitably. The emerging Internet of Things is giving rise to a new economic system—the Collaborative Commons—that will transform our way of life.

  2. 1 Contents. 1.1 Chapter 3: Garrett Hardin’s tragedy of the unregulated commons. 1.2 Chapter 4. Overcoming the tragedy with the Ostroms. 1.3 Chapter 5. An ecological understanding of the commons. 1.4 Chapter 6. Towards a commons theory of property. 1.5 Chapter 7. The role of the state in a commons-creating society. 1.6 Chapter 8.

  3. (EPY, p. 107) The first seven chapters of The Life Divine comprised a sort of extended introduction. Sri Aurobindo approached the basic problem of Being versus Becoming (and, consequently, of the meaning of human existence) from various perspectives and indicated how each could contribute to a synthetic solution.

  4. Description. From Wikipedia: "Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations is a book by Clay Shirky published by Penguin Press in 2008, which evaluates the effect of the Internet on modern group dynamics. The author considers examples such as Wikipedia and MySpace in his analysis. This is the author's sixth book.

  5. The Five Star Movement proposes the adoption of large-scale energy projects, elimination of waste, sustainable mobility, protection of territory from overbuilding, teleworking.

  6. Anticapitalism and Culture. Radical Theory and Popular Politics. Berg, 2008. Reviews anti-capitalist protest movements since WWII, with the tools of cultural studies. Contents. 3 Another World is Possible: The Anti-Capitalist Movement 75. 4 (Anti)Capitalism and Culture 107.

  7. Recognized by Machiavelli for its explanatory power, Polybius’ model was studied by the Founding Fathers of the United States and profoundly influenced their vision of the republic they were founding. The word anacyclosis has been variously translated as “the cycle of political revolution” and “the cycle of the constitutions.”

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