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  1. Description. 1. By Maria Chehonadskih: "Proletkult is a contraction of Proletarian Culture and Enlightenment Organisations. It was a mass organisation of scientific, educational and art societies for the proletariat, existing from 1917 to 1932. Proletkult was established by Bogdanov and Lunacharskii after the February Revolution in 1917.

    • Daniel Christian Wahl on Salutogenic Design
    • Daniel Fraga: Technology Is About Designing Subjects
    • Marcin Jakubowski on Open Access to Digital Design
    • Shared Design Is Essential to Transform The World
    • Linus Torvalds on Open Peer to Peer Design
    • Agroblogger on A Appropriate Technology General Public License
    • Karim Lakhani on Communities Driving Manufacturers Out of The Design Phase
    • Kevin Kelly and Terry Hancock on Nearly-Free Material Production
    • Vinay Gupta on Open Source Design For Development
    • Marcin Jakubowski on Neosubsistence

    Daniel Christian Wahl: 1. "In 2006, my doctoral research concluded that if the basic intention behind all human design was salutogenesis, we would be able to facilitate a local and global shift towards sustainability (Wahl, 2006b). Valerie Brown lists two criteria that should guide human behaviour if we hope to avoid serious damage to the natural p...

    "Today, technology allows us a new form of design: one that designs subjects, not objects; people, not things. By designing the information someone consumes, we can frame their opinions. By designing the interactions they have with digital devices, we can frame their thinking. This is known by not only tech giants but by military intelligence. And ...

    open access to digital design – perhaps in the form a global repository of shared open source designs - introduces a unique contribution to human prosperity. This contribution is the possibility that data at one location in the world can be translated immediately to a product in any other location. This means anyone equipped with flexible fabricati...

    "When intellectual problems become distributed, the search for solutions becomes collaborative and the research agenda is driven not by multinational shareholders but by the passions of the participants, you get not just better results, you get different results." - Alec Steffens

    "“I think the real issue about adoption of open source is that nobody can really ever “design” a complex system. That’s simply not how things work: people aren’t that smart - nobody is. And what open source allows is to not actually “design” things, but let them evolve, through lots of different pressures in the market, and having the end result ju...

    "Let us imagine an active online community participating in vibrant discussions and sharing of Appropriate Technology plans and experiences. Let us imagine the AT equivalent of a, a place where designers and field workers can go to download plans of greenhouses, beehives, water pumps, animal traction implements, and biodiesel equipm...

    "for any given company - there are more people outside the company that have smarts about a particular technology or a particular use situation then all the R&D engineers combined. So a community around a product category may have more smart people working on the product then the firm it self. So in the end manufacturers may end up doing what they ...

    "Material industries are finding that the costs of duplication near zero, so they too will behave like digital copies. Maps just crossed that threshold. Genetics is about to. Gadgets and small appliances (like cell phones) are sliding that way. Pharmaceuticals are already there, but they don't want anyone to know. It costs nothing to make a pill."(...

    "An open library of designs for refrigerators, lighting, heating, cooling, motors, and other systems will encourage manufacturers, particularly in the developing world, to leapfrog directly to the most sustainable technologies, which are much cheaper in the long run. Manufacturers will be encouraged to use the efficient designs because they are fre...

    "Neosubsistence is the term we apply to a lifestyle where people produce tangible (physical) wealth, as opposed to dealing with information in the information economy. We are talking about basics: even though we live in the information economy, we cannot deny the reality that human prosperity is founded on the provision of physical needs upon which...

  2. Fritz Lang’s presciently anti-scientistic and anti-Nazi films from 1922 and 1933, Metropolis and The Testament of Doctor Mabuse , and the genre of classic dystopian science fiction novels, especially including Yevgeny Zamyatin’s 1920-21 We , Aldous Huxley’s ...

  3. 2023年10月23日 · As Sacha Lobo puts it succinctly: “By controlling their ecosystems, platforms create a stage on which every economic transaction can be turned into an auction. Nothing minimizes cost better than an auction – including the cost of labour. That’s why labour is the crucial societal aspect of platform capitalism.

  4. 2023年9月20日 · An argument about the impossibility of economic planning has been going around since the 1920’s called the Calculation Problem. Wikipedia says, "The economic calculation problem is a criticism of using economic planning as a substitute for market-based allocation of the factors of production. It was first proposed by Ludwig von Mises in his ...

  5. (1918-1922) 1926-1928 The Decline of the West. 2 vols. Authorized translation with notes by Charles F. Atkinson. New York: Knopf. → Volume 1: Form and Actuality. Volume 2: Perspectives of World History. First published as Der Untergang des Abendlandes.

  6. It was in this climate that Oswald Spengler's The Decline of the West (1991 [1918–1922]) appeared, which goes a long way toward explaining its enormous impact and popularity in the immediate postwar period (Hughes 1952: 89–97). Spengler accepted the and ...

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