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    即刻進遊開啟半神級修仙師之旅,動態仙術大世界,究極進化霸神都,熱血PK至強神,成就不朽傳奇。 就在今日【御劍神都】強勢登場,史詩級神戰大場面,滅魔屠妖翱翔三界,笑戰至敵逍遙天際。

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    嘿嘿,我胡啦!明星三缺一隨開隨打不無聊,鬥智鬥勇,坐穩牌桌爾虞我詐,立即下載! ...

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    我的網頁解決方案為您量身訂製。免費架設網站和商店。 支持多語言,社群媒體整合,SEO友好,移動友好,自訂域名,自訂表單等功能。專業級跨境SaaS架站系統。

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    Create a Character & Play With Friends. Play Instantly—No Download. Start Now!


  1. 2007年7月7日 · The Metaverse Roadmap. URL = "Taking its name from the immersive virtual world imagined by Neal Stephenson in his visionary novel, Snow Crash, the Metaverse Roadmap (MVR) is the first public ten-year forecast and visioning survey of 3D Web technologies, applications, markets, and potential social impacts.

  2. In 2021, Breathing Games presented further examples of commons for respiratory care. Open-source respiratory health commons. 15 projects communities can adapt, repair, reproduce for low cost medical care (libre and open-source tech)

  3. * Book: Sing C. Chew Ecology, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality: Life in the Digital Dark Ages Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021 URL = Contents JOSHUA C. GELLERS: "In Chapter 1, Chew explains the structural transformations currently underway that hark back to past eras. ...

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    Consilience Definition: “In science and history, consilience is the principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can "converge" on strong conclusions. That is, when multiple sources of evidence are in agreement, the conclusion can be very strong even when none of the individual sources of evidence is significantly so on its own.”

    0. "We publish research and analysis to help guide decision-makers and leaders towards the critical paths necessary to address the unique challenges of our time. The content published here is for any individual, group or institution trying to innovate around global coordination challenges, catastrophic risks and social technologies. The Consilience...

    "The Consilience Project combines a novel approach to creating essential public information (news and educational resources) with wider movement building through innovation prizes and partnerships. Our content strategy has three primary pillars: 1. A novel form of News aimed at providing maximum situational awareness and insight on the most consequ...

    Project status: "We have assembled the core team including world-class intelligence analysts, researchers, and media professionals, and are launching our first product in Q1 of 2021." The project is purely non-profit funded — we won’t allow ads, put our information behind paywalls, or accept capital that seeks to influence the nature of the content...


    1. The following podcast was the first public conversation mentioning The Consilience Project. The conversations on the Rebel Wisdom channel that became named 'the war on sensemaking' played a role in this project coming into focus. David Fuller, the host of this dialogue and founder of Rebel Wisdom, has had a career in Journalism, at the BBC and otherwhere, and is working on adjacent projects to improve the quality of journalism and engagement in the public sphere. He is an advisor to this p...

  4. "In 2021, a similar paper was published by some high-profile scientists, physicist Lee Smolin and computer scientist Jaron Lanier among them, called The Autodidactic Universe, which inspired sensational headlines like “Physicists working with Microsoft think

  5. Description. Crucible: "On June 24, 2021, Crucible, our company developing software blueprints for the Open Metaverse, took that action and established the Open Meta Association in Zug, Switzerland, next door to Ethereum, Cardano, Polkadot, Cosmos, Solana, and another several billion dollar web3 networks.

  6. 2021年5月27日 · The P2P Lab works for the development and maintenance of a global knowledge commons, encompassing a global community of researchers and activists that advocates and monitors models of peer production, peer governance and peer property in every field of human activity.

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