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  1. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。

  2. 台灣民眾黨的柯文哲、執政的民進黨的賴清德和國民黨的侯友宜在該國唯一一場電視直播的總統辯論中就棘手問題展開對峙。 The hopefuls covered a range of topics but the standout issue was their approach to China, which claims Taiwan and has been ramping up military activity around the country in recent months. 這些候選人回答一系列問題,但最突出的問題是他們對中國的態度。 中國聲稱對台灣擁有主權,並且近幾個月一直在全國各地加強軍事活動。

  3. 假設你是一位電車駕駛. and your trolley car is hurtling down the track at sixty miles an hour. 你的電車正以時速六十公里的速度在軌道上向下奔馳. and at the end of the track, you notice five workers working on the track. 在軌道的盡頭,你注意到有五個工人正在這軌道上工作. you tried to stop but you can't. 你試著停下來卻沒辦法. your brakes don't work. 你的煞車起不了作用. you feel desperate because you know. 你感到非常的絕望,因為你知道.

  4. 【CNN10】美國德州槍擊悲劇、古巴通膨危機、美國2022中期選舉 (A Tragedy In Texas) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. Hi, I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10. 嗨,我是CNN 10的 Carl Azuz。 We had some tragic news coming out of the US state of Texas as we produced today's show. 在製作今天的節目同時我們從美國德州收到一個悲慘的消息。 There was a shooting Tuesday in the city of Uvalde; it happened at an elementary school.

  5. 但他未能在 1 月的最後一次選舉中讓兩名在野黨候選人聯手從而有可能擊敗民進黨候選人即現任總統將於 5 月擔任總統的賴清德。 Look , the opposition two candidates got 60% of the vote , Lai Ching - te got 40%.

  6. 阿列克謝·納瓦尼是俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普丁的激烈批評者,自 2021 年以來一直入獄。 He died on Friday. 他於週五去世。 The Russian prison service says he didn't feel well while he was on a walk at his prison and then fell unconscious. 俄羅斯監獄部門稱,他在監獄散步時感覺不適,隨後昏迷不醒。 His cause of death is still unclear but the Kremlin says an investigation is underway. 他的因尚不清楚,但克里姆林宮表示正在進行調查。

  7. 本週早些時候,民主黨人湯姆-索齊(Tom Suozzi)在紐約第三國會選區選舉中擊敗了共和黨人馬茲-普普(Mazzie pup)。 This election took place to replace expelled former GOP representative George Santos who facing federal charges that include money laundering and lying to investigators. 這次選舉是為了取代被驅逐的前共和黨代表喬治-桑托斯(George Santos),後者面臨著包括洗錢和向調查人員撒謊在內的聯邦指控。

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