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  1. 日幣創下 34 年來新低,對日本公司、消費者和旅遊業會帶來何什麼樣的影響? (What does the yen at a 34-year low mean for Japanese companies, consumers and tourism?

  2. 日元疲軟拖累亞洲貨幣同行 (Japanese Yen Weakness Weighing on Asian Currency Peers) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. Japan is trying to slow the weakening yen trend, but I think they know full well they can't turn the trend just by intervening. 日本正試圖減緩日元走軟的趨勢,但我認為他們完全知道但是,光靠干預是無法扭轉趨勢的。

  3. 柯金翰 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字 關於 學習服務介紹 認識 VoiceTube 加入我們 常見問題 聯絡我們 熱門搜尋主題 企業英文培訓 服務總覽 口說挑戰 收藏&複習 ...

  4. Governments borrow for good reasons and bad reasons. 政府為了各種原因借錢,有好有壞. A good reason could be borrow to invest. 好的理由比如借錢來投資. governments can usually borrow at low rates, and they can invest in public goods and infrastructure that benefits the economy. 政府通常可以以低利率借到錢,他們可以用來投資公共財或是有利於經濟的基礎建設.

  5. 不僅是旅行緊張,但凡景點、商店、餐館、銀行,甚至提款機等所有機構都會停工至 1 月 4 左右。

  6. 日幣創下 34 年來新低,對日本公司、消費者和旅遊業會帶來何什麼樣的影響? (What does the yen at a 34-year low mean for Japanese companies, consumers and tourism? 35779

  7. 是時候來介紹: The Difference Between Holland, the Netherlands (and a whole lot more) Holland和Netherlands(尼德蘭)兩者的差異了(還有其他的) The correct name for this tulip growing, windmill building hagelslag eating, container ship. 這個種植鬱金香、建造風車、吃巧克力碎片、貨櫃船集散. moving, ocean conquering nation is the Netherlands. 征服海洋的國家正確名字叫尼德蘭.

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