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  1. 2018年9月28日 · 2018年09月28日. 「第58回 女子医大祭」開催のお知らせ:10月26日 (金)、10月27日 (土) 第58回 東京女子医科大学学園祭. 『おいでよJYOSYの森』. 本年度の学園祭のテーマは『おいでよJYOSYの森』です。. 社会で輝き続ける女性を目指して日々を過ごす女子医大生の ...

  2. TWMUJ is a scientific, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal, covers medical science and medical care including clinical and basic medical science, as well as public health and nursing science from around the world. Journal Title: Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal. Journal Abbreviation: TWMUJ (2019-); J.TWMU (2017-2018)

  3. Biomaterials, Tissue engineering, Surface science. Qualifications. Ph.D. Biography. 2003-2006 Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, Ph.D. 2006-2006 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Chemistry, Colorado State University 2006-2008 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Utah 2008 ...

  4. 2018 原著論文 / Original Articles→女子医大業績データベース KIM Seong-Ryong†, YI Hye-jin, LEE Yu Na, PARK Ji Yoon, HOFFMAN Robert, OKANO Teruo, SHIM In Kyong*, KIM Song Cheol*, “Engineered mesenchymal stem-cell-sheets patches prevents postoperative pancreatic leakage in a rat model”, Scientific Reports , 8 (1):360(2018/01)

  5. Hitachi Business Award Silver Place (2018) Tokyo Denki University Medical Engineering Association Fukuda Award (2018) The Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery Young Investigator Gold Award (2015) APEC Accelerator Network Summit & Global ...

  6. Since 2018, this Institute has been working on student education and basic research with an associate professor, an assistant professor and other staffs. In 2017, equipments necessary for developmental engineering, such as a macro-manipulator, an inverted microscope and microfuge were settled in a sophisticated room in the Institute, and in 2018, the first knock-out mouse was generated.

  7. 高橋 宏信フリガナタカハシ ヒロノブ氏名高橋 宏信所属先端生命医科学研究所(東京女子医科大学)大学院医学研究科 先端生命医科学系専攻 代用臓器学分野職名講師所属職名専門分野バイオマテリアル、組織工学、表面科学学位博士(工学)経歴...

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