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  1. "Ayni (Quechua, also spelled Ayniy or Aini) is a traditional form of mutual help practiced in indigenous communities (ayllu) in the Andes. Ayni means proper relationship. Member of a community help another member for private purposes when support is needed, e.g. in house construction or agricultural works.

  2. Description. Fian: On CONSEA: "In 2003, Brazil undertook a strategy of ‘Zero Hunger’ (fome zero). This strategy, supported by organic law, aimed to guarantee and protect the right to food and nutrition and to create formal spaces for social participation by means of food and nutritional security councils (CONSEA).

  3. As a democratic movement, Commons for Peace would defend the social protests that emerge from the destruction of a commons—or from any form of external control that does not promote life, human dignity, security and peace.

  4. Description 1. Tommaso Fattori: "Commons trusts are normally considered legal entities responsible for protecting shared assets, and which have a fiduciary duty to preserve natural and material commons - such as natural systems, water, air, land, and ...

  5. 2021年4月10日 · Discussion. For Giegerich, the search for meaning is both the cause and symptom of the loss of meaning which occurred in the 19th cy. It is a contradiction in terms as 'meaning' cannot be found, it has to be there as a pre=given, a result of our 'in-ness' in the world. It is that in-ness that we have lost. All the myths concur that the ancients ...

  6. The One People's Public Trust (OPPT) was used to establish the legal foundation for re-gaining individual legal sovereignty within the current framework. In-depth investigation by the OPPT (and others before) have led to the conclusion that all corporations (including governments as corporations) are based on commercial law.

  7. 2014年8月13日 · The last section offers an overview of the key findings of a research project dedicated to the impact of solidarity cooperatives on social cohesion and will focus on solidarity co-operatives evolving in the health care sector. A set of recommendations concludes the chapter."