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  1. Jane Dennet Thorpe and Javier Ruiz: "Onawi is a new non-profit organisation that aims to directly contribute to a just transition towards climate change mitigation by developing a horizontal technology transfer model based on Open Source Co-operative Innovation. Onawi is creating a freely accessible library of renewable energy technologies.

  2. * Book: Emergentism: A Religion of Complexity for the Metamodern World. By Brendan Graham Dempsey. URL = Contents" While “emergentism” (small e) has been the conceptual paradigm at the heart of the new science, opening a window on a neo-holistic ...

  3. Publishers' Summary. Cyberchiefs. Autonomy and Authority in Online Tribes: “People are inventing new ways of working together on the internet. Decentralized production thrives on weblogs, wikis and free software projects. In Cyberchiefs, Mathieu O’Neil focuses on the regulation of these working relationships.

  4. He used the concept of polycentricity as a particularly well-suited tool for addressing the well-known socialist calculation problem (Lange 1938; Mises 1922). His arguments about the impossibility of economic calculation in a socialist system were closely related to Hayek’s, yet they also benefited from the more general perspective provided by the concept of polycentricity.

  5. (1918-1922) 1926-1928 The Decline of the West. 2 vols. Authorized translation with notes by Charles F. Atkinson. New York: Knopf. → Volume 1: Form and Actuality. Volume 2: Perspectives of World History. First published as Der Untergang des Abendlandes.

  6. Fritz Lang’s presciently anti-scientistic and anti-Nazi films from 1922 and 1933, Metropolis and The Testament of Doctor Mabuse , and the genre of classic dystopian science fiction novels, especially including Yevgeny Zamyatin’s 1920-21 We , Aldous Huxley’s

  7. Bio From "Arnold J. Toynbee was born in London on April 14, 1889, the son of Harry V. Toynbee, a social worker, and Sarah Edith Marshall Toynbee, a historian. Showing academic promise at a young age, Toynbee won scholarships to attend ...

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