Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. project was initiated by Connor Turland and Ishan Shapiro in fall 2012, building on prior designs and concept development going back to 2010. Metamaps allows users to build free-form knowledge graphs of ideas and information (called "topics

  2. PatternDynamics is a simple tool that can be learned by anyone to overcome the challenges posed by complex systems–at any scale. Here’s how it works: The key to complexity is systems thinking; The key to systems thinking is Patterns; and, The key to using Patterns is to form them into a language.

  3. In India, ever since its Supreme Court formally recognized commons in a landmark 2012 ruling, Indians have been attempting to work out the legal and political implications of managing all sorts of commons such as forests, farmland and water.

  4. My most well-know works are about commons-based peer production and how to generalize it into the physical world. I hold a Ph.D. in computer science from the Freie Universität Berlin." ( ) Publications include: The Boom of Commons-Based Peer Production (2012, in The Wealth of the Commons, [1] ),

  5. "Alastair Fuad-Luke is Professor of Emerging Design Practices at Aalto University in Helsinki exploring new ways of designing with the city municipality of Lahti, Finland. He has a long history of working in different positions within sustainable design, co-design and design activism.

  6. Source International Mechanisms for Promoting Freedom of Expression: JOINT DECLARATION ON FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND THE INTERNET URL = ...

  7. Abstract. "Although Karl Marx and Lewis Henry Morgan have often been treated homologously for their ideas of historical evolution and primitive communism, there are radical differences between the two. Marx’s stadial conception of history was carefully circumscribed to West European, particularly British, developments while Morgan posited a ...

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