Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. In the second presidential debate in 2008, Obama said that the financial crisis was caused by deregulation. 2008年第二次總統選舉辯論中,歐巴馬說金融危機缺乏管制造成的. Obama: “The biggest problem in this whole process was the deregulation of the financial system.”. 歐巴馬:“這事件中最大的問題是 ...

  2. You're paying $2,500 a month to live somewhere. 你每個月要付兩千五百美金才可以住在那裡。 If you bought, what would that cost? 如果你買,你要花多少錢呢? Would it cost $4,000 or $5,000 a month? 每個月需要花四千或是五千美金嗎? What are all the other costs you're not thinking about to maintain that property and pay taxes on that property? 其他所有你沒有想到的花費,諸如維護你的房子和付地產稅的金錢是多少呢?

  3. Buying a home has different advantages. 買則有不同的優勢。. Each mortgage payment builds equity in your house; House payments remain essentially fixed, even as other prices rise; 每筆按揭付款算在您的房屋資產上,其金額基本保持不變,即使其他物價上漲也一樣;. Your tax bill will likely be lower, and ...

  4. 聯準會已經明確表示,他們現在正在從升息轉向降息。. So we do think that mortgage rates will come down a little bit in 2024 not a time, not down to the pandemic era rates, but a little bit and that'll help. 因此,我們確實認為抵押貸款利率將在 2024 年下降一點,不是一次,也不會下降到疫情 ...

  5. Peter 是某知名銀行的客戶,他在銀行有房貸、支票和存款帳戶以及許多借貸。 Peter is remodeling his kitchen and decides to buy a new set of chef knives. Peter 最近正在改造他的廚房,並且決定要購買一套新的廚師刀。 The bank recognizes that Peter has made a number of household purchases lately and analyzes his financial and transactional data, 銀行辨識出 Peter 近期已進行了多次家用採購,並分析他的財務和交易資料,

  6. 我花了58.5萬買了這個複式樓,然後我又花了8萬塊錢改造。 My mortgage is just over $2800 a month, and my utilities air about $110 a month. 我的房貸每月只有2800多美元,水電費每月110美元左右。 It shows to buy and live in a duplex because it really wanted to save the extra money and at least have some other rental income coming in to subsidize my cost of living.

  7. 換句話說,在抵押貸款利率較高的2019年買房,比現在這些超低的利率要便宜。 So if you think that you ' re getting a good deal , just because interest rates are so low , you ' re mistaken You got to take a look at the numbers again on top of that because the demand is so high and not many are willing to sell since ...

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