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  1. 飲食中加入更多蛋白質和低脂乳製品也有幫助。 Protein induces a large release of the chemical PYY , which goes to the brain and suppresses hunger signals . 蛋白質會促進大量化學物質酪酪肽釋出,這種物質會傳到大腦並抑制飢餓感。

  2. Focus on lean protein, healthy fats and non-processed, unrefined carbohydrates such as vegetables, beans, whole grains and fruit. 多吃精益蛋白質、健康脂肪,和未加工、精煉過的碳水化合物,例如蔬菜、豆類、全麥和水果。. Simply put, a hundred calories of jelly beans is not equal to 100 calories of natural ...

  3. What’s more, their data indeed indicated that full-fat dairy is associated with lower obesity rates. 還有,他們的研究也發現全脂鮮奶與降低肥胖風險有著高度相關性。. Eighteen of the 25 studies showed that participants were either at lower risk for obesity, experienced less weight gain, or weighed less overall than ...

  4. 雖然蛋白質的確有助於瘦肌肉增長,但光憑蛋白質是不夠的。 You need a healthy diet of carbs and fats , not to mention , most importantly , exercise . 你還需要包含了碳水化合物和脂肪的健康飲食,就別提最重要的運動鍛鍊。

  5. 他們發現,採用脂肪、糖和碳水化合物的傳統美國飲食的人,其皮質醇水平比吃更多水果、蔬菜、全穀物和多元不飽和脂肪的人要得多。 So an anti - inflammatory diet can counteract the impact of cortisol .

  6. between 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each chromosome contains a long strand of DNA, tightly packaged around proteins called histones. Within the DNA are sections called genes. These genes contain the instructions for making proteins. When a gene is switched on, an enzyme called RNA polymerase attaches to the start of the gene.

  7. To ease your eating worries, here are eight food safety questions you've likely had at one point in your life. 為了減輕你對飲食的擔憂,以下是你一生中可能遇到過的八個食品安全問題。 Rule number 1, it's unsafe to drink milk past it's sell-by date even if it's just a day or two. 規則一,飲用超過保質期的牛奶是不安全的,哪怕只是一兩天的時間。 Not necessarily. 不一定。