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  1. 現在我想說的是,核桃、亞麻籽、奇亞籽可能會說它們含有 Omega-3 脂肪酸,但實際上,它們是轉化為Omega-3 脂肪酸的前體。 They have something called ALA and then that can convert into EPA and DHA. 它們有一種叫做 ALA 的物質,可以轉化為 EPA 跟 DHA。 EPA primarily helps you reduce inflammation. EPA 主要有助於減輕發炎。 And a lot of people have inflammation and you can have inflammation in the joints. 很多人都有發炎,關節也會發炎。

  2. 有沒有想過瘦下來後原本在你身上的脂肪都去哪了呢? 就讓這部影片為你解答吧! 1disappear into thin air0:06 disappear into thin air 或者 vanish into thin air 字面上的意思是「消失在薄薄的空氣裡」,但它其實就是指「完全消失」、「消失得無影無蹤」。

  3. 多吃精益蛋白質、健康脂肪,和未加工、精煉過的碳水化合物,例如蔬菜、豆類、全麥和水果。 Simply put, a hundred calories of jelly beans is not equal to 100 calories of natural peanut butter. 簡單來說,一百卡路里的雷根糖不等於一百卡路里的天然花生醬。

  4. Now, I'll make an entire video on how important your gut bacteria is for mental health, but long story short, 我會製作一個完整的影片介紹腸道細菌對心理健康的重要性,但長話短說,. most of the serotonin in your body is in your gut, and having good bacteria in your gut can really improve mental health. 你體內的 ...

  5. 或許你多年來都是用低脂牛奶配麥片,沙拉上撒的也是無油配料,但事實上,攝取脂肪並不會讓你變肥。. In fact, research shows that low-fat diets don't seem to aid in weight loss or in reducing risk of disease compared to high-fat diets, and all those refined carbs that you've been eating to replace that fat ...

  6. 這幾天氣溫開始變涼了,冬天似乎要來囉!冬天總是特別容易讓人感到肚子餓,為了不要讓明年夏天過得太辛苦,快來一起學習健康的減肥秘訣吧。 1use up0:17 use up 的意思是消耗、耗盡,當用在人身上的時候,可以形容這個人筋疲力盡了。 He used up all his ...

  7. 這是我和趙教授的談話他是受過麻省理工學院專業訓練的物理學家和數學家他向我解釋為什麼我們應該知道脂肪帶有多少能量。 In order for you to live and function, you need to burn energy to, like, keep your heart beating, all your organ going and also to move around. 為了使你正常生活和身體運作,你需要燃燒能量來,像是維持心臟跳動,你的全身器官運作,和自己可以活動。 But energy doesn’t come for free. 但能量不會憑空出現。

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