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  1. 有一種理論認為,強烈的愛其實是大腦在欺騙夫妻,讓他們為撫養孩子的艱鉅任務而結合在一起。 更有甚者,一項研究表明,大腦將愛情視為人類生存的必要條件。 When participants looked at an image of their romantic partner, the part of the brain associated with fulfilling basic needs, like eating or drinking, lit up, suggesting that love, much like hunger and thirst, is vital to the continuation of our species.

  2. [當我們戀愛時,身體會有什麼變化呢] We all know how it feels when you see someone across the room . 當你看見某人時,我們都很清楚知道是什麼感覺。

  3. 事實是,你在這個時期經歷的任何事都更容易刺激快樂中樞並讓你有好心情。 Because of this, you not only fall in love with the person, but begin to build a romanticized view of the world around you. 正因如此,你不只是愛上那個人,更會開始用浪漫的視角檢視世界。 Interestingly, nearby pain and aversion centers begin to fire less, so you become less bothered by things. 有趣的是,鄰近的痛苦和厭惡中樞作用的次數也開始降低,所以你也較不容易為事所擾。

  4. 難以理解地,人們提到「愛」這個字,我們不會去區分「愛」的兩種不同含義。. Being loved, and loving. 也就是「被愛」與「愛」。. We can only make a relationship work when we're ready to do the latter and are aware of our unnatural, immature fixation on the former. 要經營一段好的感情 ...

  5. 多數人對於遠距離戀愛的看法多半都有所保留,小編也聽過身旁許多朋友對於遠距離唯恐避之不及。 但是,遠距離戀愛真的會失敗嗎? 今天的主編精選是小編很喜歡的影片之一,Jenn 透過這支影片描述她在遠距離戀愛中的心情、學習和體會,分享給大家!

  6. 我們的擇偶條件傾向來自於以下三種方式其中一種。 Let's imagine dad was cold or violent or abusive, or mum was belittling unavailable or controlling. 想像一下,如果我們的父親既無情又暴力或母親是個輕視人的控制狂。 It was horrible yet that ends up being what we look for in love. 這太糟糕了,但這都會影響我們將來會愛上誰。 Why would we ever repeat something that was deeply uncomfortable? 為什麼即使如此痛苦,我們依然會重蹈覆轍呢?

  7. In moments of fury with our partners, we may be tempted to dismiss their complaints against us with the cry: "Just love me as I am!" 在與伴侶爭執的憤怒之中,我們可能以一句「愛我原本的樣子吧!. 」而忽視對方對我們的指責。. But in truth, none of us should want to remain exactly as we are in love. 但事實 ...

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