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  1. 精彩大學生活,如何築夢不留白?練好英文讓未來路更廣!HiTutor一對一線上家教,提升你的英文競爭力,讓你的夢想不設限!

  2. 商用英文搶時妙招8. Set Your Alarm 20 Minutes Early 每天早起20分鐘. By getting up just a little earlier, you can make time for your goal before all the busyness of the day has begun. That might mean 20 minutes of exercising or writing, perhaps before the rest of your family is awake. 早點起床,這樣能給你在奔忙的一天 ...

  3. 辛苦工作但加薪升職總輪不到你,想要離職,卻把握能換到更好的工作該怎麼做?HiTutor商業英文-完美轉職SOP,為你打造英文硬底子,包含面試英文、商務會議對話以及實用英文書信教學,幫助你無縫接軌新工作,漂亮轉職,完美轉身!

  4. 實用商用英文:上班族如何向老闆請假?. 實用商用英文-請假篇1. I feel a little bit homesick. I want to take a home leave and be with my family for a week. 我有點想家了。. 我想休息一周與我的家人團聚。. 實用商用英文-請假篇2. I’m afraid I can’t come to work today. I’m not feeling well.

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