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    • 薩瓦娜·布林森

      • 薩瓦娜·布林森(Savannah James),1986年8月27日出生於美國俄亥俄州阿克倫,慈善家、商人。 薩瓦娜是NBA球員勒布朗·詹姆斯的妻子,與詹姆斯育有兩子一女。 布林森16歲時是學校壘球隊球員,還是啦啦隊的成員。薩瓦娜·布林森/3084200
  1. 2023年7月26日 · Savannah James原名Savannah Brinson,1986年8月27日出生於俄亥俄州的阿克倫,與LeBron是老鄉,兩人年齡相差2歲,16歲時與LeBron結識,那時的Savannah是學校女壘 ...

  2. 2019年12月7日 · Savannah於2004年10月誕下二人大兒子LeBron Raymore Bronny James Jr.(通稱Bronny),從名字可見占士對這兒子寄予厚望,期望他能繼承自己的衣鉢。 抱起大兒子的一刻,占士笑得開懷更矢志為孩子提供一個完美的成長環境,Savannah樂見占士與兒子的互動更直言:「他是一位很棒的父親,要是他也是孩子的話,一定會與Bronny成為最好的玩伴。 」二人雖然一直未有結婚,但他們如膠似漆,並於2007年6月迎來次子Bryce,組織4人家庭。 夫婦在2007年再添一子Bryce,占士與他們相處儼如朋友、兄弟。 (Savannah James instagram) 作為占士背後的女人,Savannah與他歷盡高低,更見證丈夫勇奪2012年倫敦奧運金牌。

    • When Did Lebron James and His Wife Meet?
    • James Goes Pro, Brinson Gets Pregnant
    • First Child
    • Second Child
    • Moving to Miami
    • Lebron and Savannah Get Married
    • How Long Has Lebron James Been Married?
    • Third Child
    • 2014-2017: Return to Cleveland
    • Joining The Lakers

    LeBron first met Savannah in high school. James was 17 years old and a rising basketball star at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio. Brinson was 16 and a cheerleader at a rival high school. James spotted her at a football game and asked a mutual friend to get her phone number. "I'm like, 'Um, nope. I'll take his number,'" Brinson told ...

    James was the top pick in the 2003 NBA Draft — selected by his hometown Cavaliers. During James' rookie year in the NBA, Brinson, who was a senior in high school at the time, discovered she was pregnant. "I was thinking, 'What am I going to tell my parents? What's going to happen to his career?'" Brinson told Harper's Bazaar. "I was very scared. I ...

    On Oct. 6, 2004, Brinson gave birth to LeBron James Jr., aka "Bronny." The rising basketball star is now 15 and a freshman at Sierra Canyon High School in California.

    Three years after Bronny was born, the couple welcomed another son, Bryce Maximus, who was born June 14. “It keeps me grounded knowing that I’m representing a little guy like that and his big brother,” James said about his sons in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. "My sons are the only reason why I’m still sane. They don’t know if I missed the last ...

    James famously announced he would be signing with the Heat in free agency instead of returning to the Cavaliers, and Brinson and the children moved to Florida with him.

    James popped the question to Brinson during a New Year's Eve party in France. "It felt like a Finals game," James told Oprah Winfrey about proposing. "I had been thinking about it, you know, for a while but it just came to me one day and I was like, 'this is a part of growth for me.' I was like, 'this is the lady and the woman I have been with thro...

    The couple tied the knot on Sept. 14, 2013, in San Diego, Calif. Beyoncé and Jay-Z performed "Crazy in Love" at the reception.

    The couple's daughter, Zhuri Nova, was born on Oct. 22, 2014. "I had two boys first, my oldest son, LeBron Jr., and my younger son, Bryce Maximus, and people always told me, 'if you ever have a girl, she'll change you,'" James said, per USA Today. "Three years ago, this bright spot right here happened to our family. And not only did she change me, ...

    James re-signed with the Cavaliers in 2014 and vowed to bring a championship to the city. He kept his promise in the 2016 NBA Finals with an upset win over the record-setting Warriors. Also in 2016, he surprised Brinson with a Ferrari Testarossa for her 30th birthday.

    The four-time NBA MVP agreed to a four-year, $154 million contract to join the Lakers on July 1, and the family was once again on the move. James and Brinson moved into a $23 million mansionin Los Angeles. No matter what the future holds for James and his NBA career, it's clear that Brinson will always be by his side.

  3. 萨瓦娜·布林森(Savannah James),1986年8月27日出生于美国俄亥俄州阿克伦,慈善家、商人。 萨瓦娜是NBA球员勒布朗·詹姆斯的妻子,与詹姆斯育有两子一女。

  4. 2019年12月30日 · 詹姆斯和莎凡娜自高中時期相戀,並在2013年完婚,兩人育有兩子一女,而詹皇的兩個兒子也都是籃球好手。 一向愛家詹姆斯表示,自己還不知道會打球打到幾歲,也覺得錯過兒子成長階段感到很可惜,這份對孩子的愛也讓詹皇投入公益,希望幫助更多孩子,他在去年成立了第一所公立學校「承諾小學」(I Promise School),希望透過教育幫助貧困的孩子改善環境。 不用抽 不用搶 現在用APP看新聞 保證天天中獎 點我下載APP 按我看活動辦法. 湖人「大帝」詹姆斯(LeBron James)在過去10年內奪下3冠,個人也在這10年內3度獲選年度MVP,被《美聯社》票選為近10年的最佳男運動員,回憶這10年來的最佳時刻,詹姆斯表示,最佳時刻絕對是娶了我的妻子莎凡娜(Savannah Brinson)。

  5. 2024年4月30日 · LeBron James' wife, Savannah James, has been by his side since high school. The couple, who hails from Akron, Ohio, got married in 2013 and have three children together: LeBron "Bronny"...

  6. 2022年8月15日 · LeBron James married his high school sweetheart, Savannah Brinson, in September 2013. LeBron and Savannah met as teenagers and now have three children together.

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