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  1. 不織布環保袋印刷 相關

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  1. 2024年8月5日 · Dr. Marya Zlatnik, a San Francisco-based obstetrician who has studied environmental toxins and pregnancy, has seen studies raising concerns about microplastics' impact on the health of babies and...

  2. 3 天前 · Birdland has announced the first successful hatching in its history of the chick of a southern cassowary, renowned as one of the world’s largest and most formidable flightless birds. The southern...

  3. 2024年8月30日 · Roughly 10 years after California tried and failed to ban plastic bags at grocery stores, state lawmakers have passed a law that they say will forever end the choice of "paper or plastic" in...

  4. 2024年9月4日 · Cmdr. Cameron Yaste was ridiculed when he was photographed firing his rifle with a backward scope. Yaste was relieved of duty on Friday, just four months after the photo was published. The US Navy...

    • 14 分鐘
    • Kwan Wei Kevin Tan
  5. 2024年8月29日 · Please keep these in mind next time.

  6. 2024年8月24日 · Editor’s Note: “Close Encounters: Tourists in the Wild” on The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper takes us to Yellowstone National Park, where visitors behaving badly can lead to dangerous ...

  7. 5 天前 · Reshma Saujani, who asked Trump the child care question at the Economic Club of New York, told NBC News after the event that the former president's answer “kind of blew my mind.”. “He ...

    • 3 分鐘
    • Sahil Kapur and Peter Nicholas
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