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  1. 2023年5月22日 · What Happens During the Test? 4 min read. Here’s the routine when you get a cut: apply some pressure, the bleeding stops, slap on a bandage if you need one. Seems easy enough from the outside. But...

  2. WebMD is a trusted source of health and medical information, with expert reviews, community support, and educational services. Find a doctor near you or browse health news.

  3. 2023年6月6日 · What Is ORIF Surgery? Medically Reviewed by Nayana Ambardekar, MD on June 06, 2023. Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors. When Do You Need ORIF Surgery? How Is ORIF Surgery Performed? Possible...

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    ACL injuries are common among people who play sports. The ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is a band of tissue within the knee. It gets damaged when it stretches or tears. This can happen if you turn sharply or move suddenly while youre running or jumping.

    When your ACL is healthy, it helps to hold together the bones of your knee. It also helps to keep your knee stable. If it gets damaged, you may have trouble putting pressure on your knee, walking, or playing sports.

    If you strain or slightly tear your ACL, it may heal over time with your doctors help and physical therapy. But if its completely torn, you may need to have it replaced -- especially if youre young and active or an athlete who wants to keep playing sports. If youre older or less active, your doctor might recommend treatments that dont require surge...

  4. 2023年9月18日 · 3 min read. With dermabrasion, a dermatologist or plastic surgeon "sands" your skin with a special instrument. The procedure makes way for a new, smoother layer of skin to replace the skin that's...

  5. 2021年11月12日 · A PTH blood test can help your doctor figure out whether your abnormal calcium levels are caused by your parathyroid glands. If your test shows that your PTH level is appropriate for your calcium...

  6. 2021年11月29日 · 3 min read. It's a type of eye operation. A doctor removes the vitreous, a jelly-like fluid inside your eye, and replaces it with a saline solution. Why Do You Get It? For you to see, light has to...