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  1. tvN 《機智監獄生活OST Part 1 BewhY(비와이) 發行!토끼처럼 세 개의 굴을 파는 현명함이 필요합니다. 我們都要像三只兔子一樣聰明機智!하지만 위드라는 인간은 합리적인 말을 자주 한다. 魏德常常說些機智的反話。更多例句: 1 2 3 4 5 用"機智"造句

  2. 他精明 機智 在這里無濟于事了。. He was courteous, and seemed intelligent . 他很懂禮貌,看起來 機智 聰明。. Her patience and tact were legendary . 她的耐心和 機智 是出名的。. He had presence and had diplomatic tact . 他風度翩翩,并具有外交家的 機智 。. The lawyer produced a clever defence ...

  3. 用intelligent造句和"intelligent"的例句: 1. She is even more intelligent than her sister .她甚至比姐姐還聰明。. 2. He was courteous, and seemed intelligent .他很懂禮貌,起來機智聰明。.

  4. 例句與用法. I screwed up my courage and went to the dentist . 我鼓起勇氣去找 牙科 醫生。. They say there's a lot of dentists staying here . 他們說有許多 牙科 醫生住在這里。. I usually go to the dental department of the veteran 's hospital . 我通常去榮民醫院的 牙科。. I have to make an appointment to ...

  5. 指導醫師對將來想去與自己相同科室的實習醫生指導熱情很高,但對將來希望去其他科室的實習醫生在指導時不知所措。 モチベーション の低い高齢者に対して運動を行ってもらうためには,系統的な行動変容アプローチが有効であろう。

  6. 英文翻譯 手機版. state of an illness; patient's condition. 短語和例子. 病情惡化 the worsening of (one's) illness; one's illness has taken a turn for the worse. 孩子的病情有好轉。. the child's condition took a favourable turn.; the child's condition was improving.;

  7. 日文翻譯 手機版. (1)(物事を)都合よく処理する,手配する.(適當に人員などを)配置する,割りふりする. 安排工作/仕事の手配をする. 安排生活/日常生活の計畫を立てる. 為外賓wàibīn安排參觀游覽yóulǎn/外國からのお客さんのために見學と観光の ...

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