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  2. = "an open manifestation on the intersection of commons and art". URL = Description ""A common future is possible, based on collectivity and care. To experience it, all you have to do is come in. Common In is an open manifestation on the ...

  3. " Community Economy Returns are calculated in four stages: first, in terms of direct financial revenues generated for individuals and for the collective; second, in terms of the estimated value of unpaid labour generated by R‐Urban activities; third, in terms of the estimated value of increased individual capacities that were generated; and four...

    • Definition
    • Typology
    • Citation
    • Specific Commons
    • Discussion
    • Advocacy Groups

    Discussing the Definition

    Anthony McCann: "There are perhaps three primary ways in which the notion of the “information commons” has beentaking shape since Felsenstein’s seminal 1993 article promoting the notion of a “Commons ofInformation”. The first two have been developing in direct response to the demands anddiscourses of public library practice, first in the United States, and now internationally. Allmang etal. (2005) note in the context of library practice, for example, that a generally accepted meaningof “infor...

    "Two commons exist, which differ from the traditional definition insofar as they are not a finite resource: the contents (i.e. the global commons of information and know-how available on the web) and the access (i.e. the information and communication technologies (ICTs) ensuring the availability of information regardless of time and location)."(htt...

    The information commons is an idea whose time has come. In part this is a result of pressuresthat face the commons. Issues related to intellectual property law in particular are leading to whatmany are now calling the enclosure of the information commons - a process that separatespeople from ideas. This process is analogous to the fencing off of th...

    The construction of the Information Commons takes many forms, the most important being the automatic process of knowledge exchange and cooperative production on the internet/web itself. But there are many specialized inititiaves to construct specialized areas, such as initiatives around access to scientific journals, the creation of specialized Int...


    Definition and problematic of the public domain: “The public domain is a space where intellectual property protection does not apply. When copyrights and patents expire, innovations and creative works fall into the public domain. They may then be used by anyone without permission and without the payment of a licensing fee. Publicly owned national parks are also considered by many to be public domain lands. Because of the extensions of the terms of both copyrights and patents, and the privatiz...


    - Bifo, an Italian radical writer, on the private appropriation of collective knowledge: “The attempt at coercive privatization of collective knowledge has encountered resistance everywhere. Since intellectual labour is at the center of the productive scene, the merchant no longer possesses the juridical or material means to impose the principle of private property. When immaterial goods can be reproduced at will, the private appropriation of goods make no sense. In the sphere of semiotic cap...


    "The environment isn't just about nature anymore. It has become a metaphor for a battle against market — and sometimes governmental — encroachment that extends to virtually every corner of our society. Everything is up for grabs. Everything is for sale. Politicians and the media are essentially oblivious, just as they were oblivious to the threats to the environment before Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, about the dangers of the pesticide DDT. There isn't even a word for this encroachment...

    The Information Commons Movement

    Anthony McCann: "The term has become a bannerof action for a concerted lobby group of public policy activists and legal scholars from all over theUnited States, centred primarily in and around the civic communities of Washington D.C. Evenmore specifically, some of the most intense lobbying for the concept of the “informationcommons” can be located around a series of interconnected websites, in particular, and The first is the website of theI...

    Associated Movements

    The Free Culture movement at The Participatory Culture Foundation, formerly Downhill Battle, at The anti-DMCA group fights the free speech restrictions inherent in the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, at The Center for Digital Democracy, at a nonprofit organization working to ensure that the digital media systems serve the public interest. The French group Vecam, at http://w...

  4. 1. "Cyclos is open source software intended for use in complementary currency systems like LETS, Barter, Time bank, C3 (consumer commerce circuit) and micro finance systems like VLC (combination of micro finance with local currency). Cyclos is a transactional (on-line banking) system with several community functionalities and extended modules.

  5. 2011年10月15日 · The creation of commons trusts allows the private and public sectors to continue to focus on profit, investment and budgetary appropriations, while the commons becomes a primary means of generating social innovation and stabilizing the principal of commons reserves to maintain the diversity and sustainability of the overall economy.

  6. Introduction. In this article on Use Communities, Alex Steffen argues that sharing infrastructures are vital for sustainability. A Typology of Sharing Practices. The three major categories of sharing (Rachel Botsman): Product Service Systems like Bikesharing and Carsharing. Redistribution Markets like Freecycle and eBay.

  7. These are very powerful primitives that could be necessary if we want to preserve a decentralized vision of information security going into the 21st century. Working on defensive technologies for cyberspace more broadly can make the internet more open, safe and free in very important ways going forward."

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