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  1. 防蚊子的方法 相關

  2. 你想買的防蚊子,生活市集今日閃購爆下殺!下單送B幣賺回饋,免運送到家! 本日限定搶先看!精選「美妝香氛、生活日用、保養清潔」好物特價中,手刀進站搶,買越多越多!


  1. 花蓮理想大地長期實施穆斯林友善文化及服務,榮獲穆斯林友善餐旅認證,在客房、餐飲等設施均設置標準規格服務。飯店創建之初,其建築風格結合西班牙高第式與回教宗教文化,如階梯上馬賽克拼磚,頗具摩洛哥風格(回教連續性圖紋),中庭噴水池更仿似伊斯蘭式庭園,豐富水生態及綠元素 ...

  2. 致親愛的貴賓: 依政府菸害制法規定,本館除戶外特定吸煙區,園區及客房內全面禁止吸菸,若違反規定可處新台幣貳仟元至壹萬元罰鍰。為維護下一位房客權益,退房後如有菸味或菸蒂殘留,將酌收新台幣3000元之清潔費。

  3. Promisedland was selected as one of the best hotels in the world in the book 100 Hotels + Resorts, Destinations That Lift the Spirit, published by the “The Images Publishing Group.” Promisedland Resort was designed by the world-leading designer, WAT&G, with ...

  4. 創造一個台灣最獨特渡假大地,讓所有旅客有不一樣渡假感覺!. 來到這兒客人擁有自己天空、自己草坪,一出房門就能摸到水,用石頭、木頭、磚頭、鐵頭和皮革建構,回歸自然理想大地。. 二十年了,我每天都在這裡。. 花蓮理想大地渡假飯店 ...

  5. Promisedland Resort is the only resort in Taiwan successfully reinstated the Na-ture Park. The rehabilitated area is nourished by stream runoff from the Central Mountain Range. Its wide range of aquatic plants attracts various migratory birds, insects and frog species.

  6. Nature Park This rehabilitated area is nourished by stream runoff from the Central Mountain Range. Its wide range of aquatic plants attracts various migratory birds, insects and frog species. Guests can experience activities such as DIY bread baking in a stone oven ...

  7. 坐擁15公頃綠地理想大地渡假飯店,引進頂級療程服務,在理想大地Zen SPA盡情吸收大自然中湧泉、空氣、植物、陽光、石頭,甚至任何一草一木能量,讓身處都會塵囂已久您,能夠重回大自然懷抱,並藉此獲得完全放鬆與休息,達到身體與心靈

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