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  1. Tony’s Open Chain will therefore be used as case study. The aim of this master’s thesis is to collect insight on how Tony’s Open Chain approach provides a conceptual contribution to address sustainability challenges and how it drives structural change towards a more equally divided cocoa chain.

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    Chris Carlsson

    From a double review by Chris Carlsson: "Two books I read in the past month overlap with each other in useful ways. The first, Commonwealth by Toni Negri and Michael Hardt, is the third volume of their epic theoretical work that began with Empire and continued through Multitudes. While I’m not a camp follower per se, I did get a lot out of these efforts and was glad to read Commonwealth as the conclusion. It made some parts of their argument clearer, but left some important areas unresolved a...

    Silvia Federici

    "The left has not posed the question of how to bring together the manyproliferating commons that are being defended, developed, and fought for, so that theycan form a cohesive whole and provide a foundation for a new mode of production. An exception is the theory proposed by Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt inEmpire (2000), Multitude (2004), and recently Commonwealth (2009), which argues thata society built on the principle of “the common” is already evolving from theinformatization and “cogni...

    Emancipation vs Liberation

    David Harvey: "Revolutionary thought, Hardt and Negri argue, must find a way to contest capitalism and "the republic of property." It "should not shun identity politics but instead must work through it and learn from it," because it is the "primary vehicle for struggle within and against the republic of property since identity itself is based on property andsovereignty." They work through the problem in three stages. "Making visible the subordinations" (gender, race, class, and so forth) "of...

    Class vs Identity

    David Harvey: "Hardt and Negri dismiss Slavoj Zizek's contention that there is something far more foundational about class than there is about all the other forms of identity in relation to the perpetuation of capitalism, and in this I think Zizek is right. No matter how important race, gender, and sexual identity may have been in the history of capitalism's development, and no matter how important the struggles waged in their name, it is possible to envisage the perpetuation of capitalism wi...

    The Feliticious Encounter that is the Urban Commons

    Gabriel Murgar: "In Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s recent book, “Commonwealth” the authors focus on the idea of the city as a location where the disenfranchised are able to organize and take what they have to contend their marginalized position. In other words, the authors look at the common resources available to people and how, when individuals come together,they can leverage their “common wealth” to overcome obstacles. Referring to this common wealth as the Commons, the authors note tha...

    very well done structural summary of the book's theses, at

  2. Toni and I do engage such practical examples, but our investigations are primarily theoretical, in particular exploring aspects of social cooperation in contemporary economic relations that can serve as the basis for constructing new forms of political organization.

  3. The problem with the participation income is that, depending on how we define participation, it could turn into an administrative nightmare. In this respect the universal basic income is a much more straightforward approach: the same basic income for all citizens. Easy (although you have to agree on a definition of “citizen” first).

  4. Three hypotheses constitute the foundation of the book: (1) that no single nation-state is able today to determine global order, (2) that, instead, a mixed constitution is emerging, and (3) that global capital and the world market are determining factors in shaping the global order. First, we argued that neither the US nor any other nation ...

  5. * Book: Wang Zhihe (王治河) and Fan Meijun (樊美筠). Second Enlightenment 第二次启蒙. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2011. 478 pp. Paperback 59 yuan, ISBN 978-7-301-16690-1. URL = Description "In August 1998 the Center for Process Studies, Claremont ...

  6. 2020年11月25日 · The 'concluding' chapter then finally attempts to describe the seven alternative values that would typify the hacker ethic: - 1) passion. - 2) freedom, (with passion+freedom = the hacker work ethic) - 3) social worth and 4) openness (this replaces the 'money ethic' as motivational force) - the nethic, defined by the values of 5) activity and 6 ...