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  1. b群什麼時候吃吸收最好 相關

  2. BHK's維他命B群發泡錠,擊退疲累、迅速滋補,一錠補充元氣滿檔,無糖、無咖啡因,低熱量無負擔。 元氣冒泡,速攻補給配方!BHK's維他命B群發泡錠,添加鎂、足量B群,高效率能量補給,喝出活力!

    • BHK’s 孕婦系列


      眾多孕媽咪一致推薦 熱烈迴響!

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      專業藥師嚴格把關 榮獲國際肯定

      健康與活力的第一選擇 全方位照顧

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      美麗體態小幫手, 立刻打造窈窕曲線



  1. 2023年8月20日 · A slang meaning I ate a penis (used to troll people) user: say I hate happiness user 2: I hate happiness user: now say it without the H's user 2: I ate appiness user: oh fr?

  2. 2021年5月24日 · Referring to boba fett’s luck. Fett is typically very unfortunate in many Star Wars movies, so when you’re having a bad day, wearing a “fet’s luck” shirt will let your fellow Star Wars fans know you’re having a rough day.

  3. 2022年2月28日 · When someone serving you up a whole lot of nothing. All they are doing is talking and you do not care. When someone serving you up a whole lot of nothing. All they are doing is

  4. 2020年9月7日 · momala is a mother figure, and inspirational mother figure who is seen as the mother of all, or the mother of all. Momala is slang taken from three words, mom of all, or mother's love of all. In a family, the momala is the grandmother of choice, the nanna; she is a ...

  5. 2023年6月4日 · Maximizing efficiency in everything related to the decline of one's own health or wellbeing. This can be categorized by a deliberate lack of socialization, hygiene, or any other form

  6. 2010年11月19日 · Noun. An activity in which babyfurs, a subset of the larger Furry fandom, gather in a private place, usually in a hotel room at a furcon, perform oatmeal enemas on themselves and eachother, followed by putting on a diaper or some other youthful garments (overalls ...

  7. 2021年12月22日 · When you take a shit and wait for the shit in your butt crack to dry. When you take a shit and wait for the shit in your butt crack to dry.

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