Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. What if I told you that there might be a sneaky predator with super powers in your house right now? 如果我說現在你家可能潛伏著一隻有超能力的狡猾捕食者你會怎麼想? If you live with one of these, there is! 如果你家有這幾隻小動物,那就是了! I'm talking about cats! 我說的是貓咪!

  2. Five ways to make friends with your cat. 5 種跟貓咪交朋友的秘訣. Everyone knows that cats are the most illogical and unpredictable pets. 大家都知道是最無邏輯又難以預測的寵物。 Can you work out what's going through that furry little head? 你能了解那顆毛茸茸的小腦袋在想什麼嗎? However, cats have their language. 然而,有自己的語言。 And if you learn it, there's a chance you'll understand them much better.

  3. 破解你的迷思 (This Is What Everyone Gets Wrong About Cats) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. Cats are adorable, furry little ninjas that share our homes with us and have an overwhelming urge to push things off other things. 貓咪很可愛,是跟我們同居的毛絨絨小忍者,對於把東西推倒有著無法抵擋的渴望。

  4. 大家有沒有想過貓咪平常都在想一些什麼呢?跟著小編透過這部可愛的影片,來看看你家的貓咪到底想對你表達什麼吧! 1judge0:06 judge 在這邊當作動詞,是「評判、斷定」的意思,而當名詞時是「法官、審判員」的意思。英文中有個很常見的俚語: You can't judge a book by its cover. 你不可以以貌取人 ...

  5. 一隻如何在墜落過程的參考系統中. my own in fact, in several different environments and once I get my angular rotation started. 從四腳朝天轉變成腳朝下,而不違反角動量守恆定律? in one direction, I can't stop it. Today, we're gonna use a high speed camera, we're not. 現在我已經研究過自由落體,實際上是以我自己,在幾種不同的環境之下做實驗, gonna use Alley, cause this is my daughter's cat, I don't want to hurt it.

  6. 不是叫你去買寵物啦!. Instead, we’re gonna teach you why spending time with cute little fuzzy animals will actually improve your mental and physical health. 我們要告訴你,為何與毛茸茸小動物玩耍可以促進身心健康。. We’ll also help you figure out how to spend time with animals even if you can’t have a pet ...

  7. 聽聽句子怎麼說. I would rather have 800 cats than another man. 比起找個男人,我更想擁有 800 隻貓咪陪伴。 句子選自此影片: 奴必看! 與一千隻貓咪同住到底是什麼感覺? (The Woman Who Lives With 1,000 Cats) 學習重點. 1. rather 寧可,寧願. rather. [ˋræðɚ] (adv.) 寧可,寧願. 今日已有 0 人參加每日口說挑戰. Pro1201 3 個月前. #1,119. I would rather have 800 cats than another man. 00:00. Han 3 個月前. 00:00. 賴Hiro 3 個月前.

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