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  1. 美股 相關

  2. 看盤好難?群益外匯保證金,助你明白槓桿原理,分散資金避險,直接預測潛在收益與損失. 一同「錢」進理財世界!協助投資者了解市場漲跌、長/短線交易,嚴格風險管理,奠定新手投資概念


  1. 證券交易是什麼? 它又如何運作? The Stock Exchange is nothing more than a giant, globally networked, and organized market place where every day huge sums of money are moved back and forth. 證券交易就只是個連結全球、有組織的巨大市場,那裏每天都有大量的資金進進出出。 In total, over sixty trillion Euros a year are traded, more than the value of all goods and services of the entire world economy.

  2. VoiceTube 看影片學英語|十萬部英文學習影片,每天更新! 用電影、音樂、脫口秀影片. 輕鬆聽懂英語、說好英文. 免費註冊學習 » 或是 APP下載 » 完整導覽 » 英文學習最新影片. 01:03. 跟著 Shane 一分鐘學英文! 當有人問你「What have you been up to… 3625. A1 初級 中文 美國腔. 02:11. 妙鼻貼大不妙! 還在使用妙鼻貼嗎? (Are Pore Strips Actually Good… 26668. B1 中級 中文 美國腔. 03:48. 新加坡航空遇到的「奪命亂流」究竟是什麼,又會如何影響飛機飛行呢? (What is clear-air… 572. B2 中高級 中文. 06:31. 【商用英文】六個常用的商用用語!

  3. 掌握理財、辦公室、書信、面試等職場英文,隨時秒懂世界財經大事,各種商用英文溝通情境都能輕鬆應對.

  4. Both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq hit record closes on Wednesday as the chip-making giant Nvidia broke the $3 trillion valuation mark, overtaking Apple and becoming the second most valuable public company in the US behind Microsoft. 週三,標準普爾 500 指數和納斯達克指數均創下收盤紀錄,晶片製造龍頭輝達(Nvidia ...

  5. Berkshire Hathaway (註: Berkshire Hathaway為一總部位於美國內布拉斯加州奧瑪哈的多元控股公司) 的主席華倫‧巴菲特期望在星期六公布他投注很多心力,一年一度的給股東的信。 The letter, which will mark his 50th anniversary at the company's helm, 這封信將象徵他掌舵這家公司的第五十年頭. is expected to hit 20,000 words as he offers his thoughts on the past year and on investment ideas for the future. 預期將有近 2 萬個字因為他提供了過去一年的想法和未來的投資方向.

  6. 今天你最愛的美語老師 Gabby 在這裡,教你八種方法讓你說話可以更像美式英文. Now I know this is just the lesson that you've been waiting for. 我知道這是你一直等待學習的課程. I'm going to tell you eight tricks and secrets that you probably didn't learn in your normal traditional English classroom. 我將告訴八個小秘訣是你在傳統英文課程沒學過的.

  7. 今天我們來談談你必須知道的美國俚語。 You don't have to necessarily use them in your speech, but you have to know them because when you're gonna communicate with a native speaker, with an American, you wanna understand what he wants to say. 你不一定要在講話時使用它們,但你必須知道它們,因為當你要和一個以英文為母語的人,像是美國人交流時,你要明白他想說什麼。 So if you're interested, please continue watching this video.

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