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  1. 輝達財報 相關

  2. 總是賣掉的最飆、沒買的最漲?大師手把手教學,操作/心理/基本秘訣全面掌握,投資眼光精準升級! 僅此一場!適中哥一人一題對症下藥、產業隊長張捷分享飆股秘訣,馬上報名6/16大師講堂帶你一


  1. 通常會這樣做是因為有人在試圖掩蓋實際情況。. A company with simple operation that's doing well, is more likely to highlight a statutory measure like profits before tax than a rival that's doing badly. 一家運作透明、營運良好的公司,相較於另一家營運不佳的公司,更會去強調如稅前利潤等 ...

  2. 財報發佈前,蘋果股價已上漲 2%,盤後大漲 6%。 Let 's discuss this now with Martin Bacadax , the London Bureau Chief of the Street . 現在讓我們與《華爾街日報》倫敦分社社長 Martin Bacadax 討論這個問題。

  3. 史上第三家!輝達 Nvidia 市價首度超越蘋果,成為全球第二有價值的公司 (Tech giant Nvidia's value overtakes Apple | BBC News)

  4. 人工智慧。 You've heard the AI warnings. 你已經聽到人工智慧的警告了。 Every technological revolution affects the job market. 每一次科技革命都會影響就業市場。 AI could cost some humans their jobs in the near future. 在不久的將來,人工智慧可能會讓一些人類失去工作。 But AI is also creating some new jobs, specifically one. 但是,人工智慧也創造了一些新的工作職位,特別是其中之一。 So I decided to apply. 於是我決定應徵。 Job title: prompt engineer.

  5. 是全球經濟一年的產量. Governments borrow for good reasons and bad reasons. 政府為了各種原因借錢,有好有壞. A good reason could be borrow to invest. 好的理由比如借錢來投資. governments can usually borrow at low rates, and they can invest in public goods and infrastructure that benefits the economy. 政府通常可以以低利率借到錢,他們可以用來投資公共或是有利於經濟的基礎建設.

  6. 隨著日本安全測試醜聞的擴大,豐田和馬自週一都停止了部分汽車的發貨。 The country 's transport ministry found automakers had submitted incorrect or manipulated safety test data when they applied for certification of some vehicles .

  7. New Balance 在 2022 年年底的收入為 53 億美元。. A new generation of top athletes, influencers, celebrities and hypebeasts have pushed the brand into the spotlight. 新一代的頂級運動員、網紅、名人和追潮族都將這個品牌推向了聚光燈下。. I feel like the past couple of years, it has been harder to get pairs ...

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