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  1. 解釋利潤是怎麼一回事|金融解碼 (Profits explained | Finance Decoded) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Profits are to business what was smiley is in text messaging. 公司看到利潤,就像我們在簡訊裡看到笑臉符號一樣。. When a company tells us in one of its regular announcements that it's making good profits, we ...

  2. 商業財經|精選頻道 - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 掌握理財、辦公室、書信、面試等職場英文,隨時秒懂世界財經大事,各種商用英文溝通情境都能輕鬆應對. 篩選條件. 依發布時間. VoiceTube 廣告. 04:05. 教你看懂財報! 解釋利潤是怎麼一回事|金融解碼 (Profits explained | Finance Decoded) 26822. 中文 B1 中級. 字幕已審核 03:24. 嚮往到國外工作嗎? 來看看最適合外籍人士的國家有哪些? (What Are The Best Countries For Expats?) 13290. 中文 B1 中級. 08:08. 如何變有錢?

  3. 商業財經|精選頻道 - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 掌握理財、辦公室、書信、面試等職場英文,隨時秒懂世界財經大事,各種商用英文溝通情境都能輕鬆應對. 篩選條件. 依發布時間. VoiceTube 廣告. 字幕已審核 03:55. ChatGPT CEO 山姆阿特曼表示 AI「無法阻擋」 (Sam Altman: there’s no “magic red button” to stop AI) 19531. 中文 A2 初級. 字幕已審核 04:37. 原來行賄這麼簡單? 不專業教學帶你了解在美國如何「賄賂」政客 (So You Want to Bribe a Politician) 11669. 中文 B1 中級. 06:01. 為什麼這條航運路線是世界上最危險的航運路線之一?

  4. 財報發佈前,蘋果股價已上漲 2%,盤後大漲 6%。 Let 's discuss this now with Martin Bacadax, the London Bureau Chief of the Street. 現在讓我們與《華爾街日報》倫敦分社社長 Martin Bacadax 討論這個問題。 So, Martin, the markets liked what they heard. , ...

  5. Every technological revolution affects the job market. 每一次科技革命都會影響就業市場。 AI could cost some humans their jobs in the near future. 在不久的將來,人工智慧可能會讓一些人類失去工作。 But AI is also creating some new jobs, specifically one. 但是,人工智慧也創造了一些新的工作職位,特別是其中之一。 So I decided to apply. 於是我決定應徵。 Job title: prompt engineer. 職位名稱:AI 溝通師。

  6. 一群寬吻豚在澳洲海岸被稱做「海綿社海豚」, has learned how to cover their rostrums with sponges when rooting in sharp corals , passing the knowledge from mother to daughter . 牠們學會在銳利珊瑚群中定居時,如何運用海綿蓋住嘴巴以達保護效果,這套智慧由母親傳授給女兒。

  7. The bank of Japan although, uh, would like to make that even cheaper. 日本的央行想要讓日幣的價值更低。. In order just to stay to stimulate its economy and to throw off those speculators. 這麼做是為了刺激其經濟,和讓投機客退場,. who built up quite aggressively long positions in the Japanese Yen over Christmas ...

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