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  1. Description. From the Wikipedia: "Records of the Grand Historian, also known by its Chinese name Shiji, is a monumental history of China that is the first of China's 24 dynastic histories. The Records was written in the late 2nd century BC to early 1st century BC by the ancient Chinese historian Sima Qian, whose father Sima Tan had begun it ...

  2. 2013年3月2日 · Description. Raffael Kéménczy summarizes: The One People's Public Trust (OPPT) was used to establish the legal foundation for re-gaining individual legal sovereignty within the current framework. In-depth investigation by the OPPT (and others before) have led to the conclusion that all corporations (including governments as corporations) are ...

  3. Not likely. In Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior, anthropologist Christopher Boehm argues that we share with chimpanzees and bonobos a tendency toward despotism. Yet nomadic hunter-gatherers have nevertheless been uniformly egalitarian, seemingly for thousands if not millions of years.

  4. Description. What is the GaiaField Project? Many people intuitively recognize the power of uniting millions of people from diverse spiritual traditions around the globe in meditation and prayer for peace. Several well-organized global meditation and prayer events, such as the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the GaiaMind meditation of 1997, James ...

  5. When and where did the concept of Slow Media originate? For me, at least, the idea struck in 2009 as I was contemplating the always-connected, speed-obsessed, present-minded nature of human life in the 21st century. As detailed in the blog I began at that time (, a handful of people seem to have autonomously generated a ...

  6. Description. "For award-winning Singaporean filmmaker Tan Siok Siok aka @sioksiok, she decided to use Twitter's 175 million users as "fixers" to help her make "Twittamentary," a documentary about the impact of Twitter on our lives.

  7. 1. Michael Commons: “The Model of Hierarchical Complexity…offers a standard method of examining the universal patterns of evolution and development. It is a quantitative behavioral developmental theory…There are two kinds of hierarchical complexity. The commonly recognized one refers to the ubiquitous linear hierarchies that are described ...