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  1. 2024年05月24日. 4.7版本特別節目預告|原神. 2024年05月22日. 加載更多. 蒙德城. 璃月港. 稻妻城. 須彌城. 楓丹廷. 敬請期待. 《原神》是一款開放世界冒險RPG。 你將在遊戲中探索一個被稱為「提瓦特」的幻想世界。 在這廣闊的世界中,你可以踏遍七國,邂逅性格各異、能力獨特的同伴,與他們一同對抗強敵,踏上尋回血親之路;也可以不帶目的地漫遊,沉浸在充滿生機的世界裡,讓好奇心驅使自己發掘各個角落的奧秘……直到你與分離的血親重聚,在終點見證一切事物的沉澱。

  2. Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG. In the game, set forth on a journey across a fantasy world called Teyvat. In this vast world, you can explore seven nations, meet a diverse cast of characters with unique personalities and abilities, and fight powerful enemies together with them, all on the way during your quest to find your lost sibling.

  3. Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG. In the game, set forth on a journey across a fantasy world called Teyvat. In this vast world, you can explore seven nations, meet a diverse cast of characters with unique personalities and abilities, and fight powerful enemies together with them, all on the way during your quest to find your lost sibling.

  4. 一、全新角色. 「孤辰煢懷·申鶴 (冰)」(★5) 神之眼:冰. 武器:長柄武器. 氣質出塵的仙家子弟。 隱修在璃月群山之間,個性也如仙人般淡漠疏離。 「紅毹嬋娟·雲堇 (岩)」(★4) 神之眼:岩. 武器:長柄武器. 集劇作與演唱能力於一身的璃月戲曲名角。 風格自成一派,雅致柔美,恰如其人。

  5. Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG. In the game, set forth on a journey across a fantasy world called Teyvat. In this vast world, you can explore seven nations, meet a diverse cast of characters with unique personalities and abilities, and fight powerful enemies together with them, all on the way during your quest to find your lost sibling.

  6. Check out their replies in this Developers Discussion! Q: I never have enough Original Resin, which makes it difficult to complete various daily tasks and the weekly Battle Pass Missions. A: In Version 1.1, we have decreased the Original Resin requirement in Battle Pass Weekly Missions from 1,600 to 1,200. Furthermore, Travelers will be able to ...

  7. 官網兌換:點擊下方官網兌換網址,登入並綁定角色,貼上兌換碼,選擇「確定兌換」即可領取50原石。 兌換網址: 遊戲內兌換:點擊畫面左上角派蒙頭像,選擇「設定」-「帳號」-「兌換碼」,貼上兌換碼,選擇 「兌換」 即可領取 ...