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  1. 我們首爾現代城市之旅的最後一站是參觀弘大這個區域,包括弘益大學和梨泰院。 It is the global community in Seoul where international expats live . 它是首爾的國際社區,國際外籍人士居住在這裡。

  2. 韓國人喜歡購物,遊客會發現有很多選擇。 首爾有整個街區. dedicated to shopping from the liveliest night markets to expensive department stores. 從最熱鬧的夜市到昂貴的百貨公司,都有專門的購物場所。 Even with the hustle-and-bustle of a big city the people of Seoul can still find peace beside. 即使在喧囂的大都市中,首爾人也能找到身邊的寧靜。 the Cheonggyecheon Stream or on the Hangang River. 清溪川或漢江上。

  3. 我們在旅行時經常使用它,因為在我們去其他地方旅行之前,我們經常需要將行李或護照等重要物品放在酒店或安全的地方。. 'Drop off' is a separable phrasal verb, meaning we can put objects in the middle or at the end. 「Drop off」是一個可分離的片語動詞,意味著我們可以將物體放 ...

  4. 首爾首都地區——包括城市本身,加上仁川和京畿道——在其不到 12% 的土地上擁有全國近一半的人口,而且該地區與其他地區之間的收入差距正在擴大。. So out on the campaign trail, candidate Roh Moo-hyun floats a big idea: take a bunch of the people and jobs in Seoul, and push them somewhere ...

  5. It's like physical interaction or like, physical relationship. 肢體接觸或是有身體上的關係. Any touch. Like human's doing. 任何人類的觸摸都算. But if you say "touch" in Korea, that doesn't mean like, physical interaction. 因為在韓國,touch 不是肢體接觸的意思. That's only means like, just high-five, or you ...

  6. 是的,是的有什麼可以幫你的嗎,先生? I want to book a room for the 19th. 我想訂19號的房間。 Sure. What sort of room do you want? 當然,你想要什麼樣的房間? A single room please. For 3 days. 請給我一個單間。 3天。 Alright. The rent for the room is $60 a day. 好吧,我知道了房間的租金是60元一天。 Okay. No problems. 好的,沒問題沒問題。 I will make the booking sir. Someone will call you up from the hotel later and confirm it.

  7. 記住,吊銷執照的原因將保留在記錄中,並可能影響未來的職業前景,例如海外就業。. More than 10,000 have resigned, forcing hospitals to turn away patients and cancel surgeries. 超過一萬人辭職,迫使醫院拒絕病人並取消手術。. Authorities have begun an investigation into key officials of two ...

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