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  6. 我在這裡要講的擴充功能叫做. Transpose-Pitch-Speed-Loop and it is an extension that I use a lot in. Transpose-Pitch-Speed-Loop ,它是我常用來. order to affect the speed of my YouTube videos. 調節 YouTube 影片速度的擴充功能. The main purpose that I use this is to slow down videos of people speaking foreign languages ...

  7. 這些煙包含了已燃燒的分子,這些分子在你的身體裡形成焦油,它會引發癌症、染黑你的牙齒和破壞你的味蕾。. This is where vaping comes in. 因此電子煙誕生了。. If you can heat the active components enough to become aerosolized without starting a combustion reaction with the other compounds, then ...

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