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  1. 房屋修繕 相關

  2. 預約賞屋趁現在!精選眾多舒適理想屋、保值理想好宅,投資置產省心省力,大幅減省看屋時間! 迅速媒合理想好房,精打細算住好宅!透天厝、公寓、輕豪宅線上輕鬆看,即刻找大家,幸福成家!


  1. "The goal of the Open Source Building Alliance is to develop key components of a more responsive model for creating places of living where: (1) Developers become integrators and alliance builders to offer tailored solutions to individuals, (2) Architects design design-engines to efficiently create thousands of unique environments, (3) Manufactur...

  2. Having supported the construction of 103,538 houses in 343 cities and towns across the country, Baan Mankong has become a global reference for community-led housing solutions, flexible housing finance and the viability of collective land tenure as a way of protecting communities from market enclosure.

  3. Retrieved from ""

  4. * Report: Radicle Civics. Unconstituting Society. Building 21st century civic infrastructures. URL = Today’s planetary challenges cannot be solved using centralised frameworks Description In the Paiwan language (a native language of Taiwan ...

    • Definition
    • Examples
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    • Key Books to Read
    • More Information

    1. "Relocalization is a strategy to build societies based on the local production of food, energy and goods, and the local development of currency, governance and culture. The main goals of relocalization are to increase community energy security, to strengthen local economies, and to improve environmental conditions and social equity. The relocali...

    The historical example of the Middle Ages

    John Michael Greer: "That relocalization needs to happen, and will happen, is clear. Among other things, it’s clear from history; when complex societies overshoot their resource bases and decline, one of the things that consistently happens is that centralized economic arrangements fall apart, long distance trade declines sharply, and the vast majority of what we now call consumer goods get made at home, or very close to home. Now of course that violates some of the conventional wisdom that g...

    Current Projects

    1. Pioneer Valley Relocalization Project

    How relocalization is linked to global open design

    Dave Sohigian: "This is where the intersection of globalization and relocalization comes in. To make a truly local bike, we would have to consider using other raw materials that are local. For example, we have lots of trees around here. And we even have a local manufacturer making bikes out of wood (Bike Portland has a great article on the company). Are there alternative materials for other parts of the bike as well? I have no idea, but I certainly think it is possible. That’s the relocalizat...

    Localization Papers Relocalization at Post Carbon Institute “Localization may describe production of goods nearer to end users to reduce environmental and other external costs of globalization.”(

  5. › images › P2PUrbanism_definitionP2P (PEER TO PEER) URBANISM.

    P2P (PEER‐TO‐PEER) URBANISM is an innovative way of conceiving, constructing, and repairing the city that rests upon five basic principles. . nvironment in which to live. Individual choice selects from amongst diverse possibilities that generate a sustainable compact city th.

  6. Description. Emily Parker: "Xinchejian, founded in 2010, means "new workshop." It occupies a rented room in a Shanghai warehouse. Members pay around $16 a month to use the space and tools, and on Wednesday nights it is open to the public.

  1. 房屋修繕 相關

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    賣屋成本知多少?趕緊索取土增稅試算!信義房屋協助你一次搞懂賣出流程&費用,點我馬上算! 提供區域行情與市場熱度分析,協助土增稅費試算與售屋成本分析,透過地圖視覺化呈現房價趨勢!

  3. 買屋賣屋超簡單!尋得你的專屬買/賣家,成交效率快;還有線上房貸試算、物件比較、屋價診斷! 小資圓夢精緻宅/效率通勤蛋黃區/靜巷生活養老屋,無論你屬哪一類,台灣房屋一定顧到位!

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    Sounds of Heaven from Glory Cloud. Worship Jesus with FREE Worship Music Find Hope, Joy, and Peace

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