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  1. › app › 2406770Bodycam on Steam

    Bodycam is the first ultra-realistic multiplayer, first-person shooter game made using the latest technologies of the next-gen game engine Unreal Engine 5. Get ready to dive into fast-paced Bodycam actions, where every bullet counts and every choice can decide over the victory or loss of your team.

  2. › app › 2346550Steam - Rise of Eros

    Rise of Eros. 《慾神幻想 Rise of Eros》是全球首款3A級的成人手遊,採用3D寫實風格製作,全360度即時呈現角色精緻的五官與每吋肌膚。. 進入遊戲即可享受一場場華麗的戰鬥,與女神們展開性與愛的冒險征途。. 此遊戲被標記為「僅限成人」。. 您會看到此遊戲是因為 ...

  3. 底特律:化身为人. 《Detroit:Become Human》將人類與仿生人命運交到你的手中,將你帶進一個機器變得比人類還有智慧的近未來世界中。. 你的每一個選擇都會對遊戲結果帶來影響,本作有著史上最複雜的分支故事。. 最近評論:. 壓倒性好評 (2,298) 所有評論 ...

  4. › app › 2457220Avowed on Steam

    Welcome to the Living Lands, a mysterious island filled with adventure and danger. Set in the fictional world of Eora that was first introduced to players in the Pillars of Eternity franchise, Avowed is a first-person fantasy action RPG from the award-winning team at Obsidian Entertainment.

  5. 火熱的暑假尚未結束,更多的回憶正在等你去創造!. 由Dojin Otome製作的人氣日常RPG《夏日狂想曲:鄉間的難忘回憶》,如今正式迎來DLC更新了!. 更多的探索內容,更多的NPC互動,諸多全新的玩法盡在此間!. 繼續回到平靜安寧的鄉間小鎮,與姑母一家享受愜意 ...

  6. Phasmophobia is a 4-player, online co-op, psychological horror game. You and your team of paranormal investigators will enter haunted locations filled with paranormal activity and try to gather as much evidence as you can. Use your ghost-hunting equipment to find and record evidence to sell on to a ghost removal team.

  7. This is a simple 2D action game featuring Rabiane, a Sister sent by the Church to exorcise monsters in a cursed land. The game is centered on themes of masochistic tendencies, yearning for death, as well as despair at being attacked by terrifying beings.

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