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  1. About the skin [Why is a change necessary] The current default skin meets the needs of the readers and editors as these were 13 years ago. Since then, new users have begun using Wikimedia projects. The old Vector doesn't meet their needs. [Objective] The objective for the new skin is to make the interface more welcoming and comfortable for readers and useful for advanced users.

  2. 《江變紀略》係明末江西文人徐世溥寫嗰一本書,佢記錄得許時間,清朝部隊係啷屠殺南昌士民嗰。 南昌大屠殺係1649年正月十九號中晝,由南昌城拕清兵攻破開始嗰。 內容 卷一 金聲桓,左良玉部將也,本遼陽衛,應襲世職,以邊資歷楊樞輔嗣昌,史督師可法諸營,累升至淮徐總兵官,尋隸左後隊。

    • 侮辱性質之內容
    • ESEAP Conference 2018
    • 有两个普通话页面
    • 请清理如下页面
    • Few Pages Needs to Be Cleaned Up After Maintenance
    • Your Advanced Permissions on Ganwiki
    • Files Without A License

    路過發現。該討論頁是否應該刪除: Davidzdh (對話) 2018年2月21日 (禮拜三) 07:59 (UTC)回覆[回覆]


    路过贵站发现。请管理员有闲删除或改动之: 1. 2. Davidzdh (對話) 2018年7月3日 (禮拜二) 13:22 (UTC)回覆[回覆] 又发现一篇: Davidzdh (對話) 2018年9月5日 (禮拜三) 16:18 (UTC)回覆[回覆]

    Sorry for writing in English. Hello, after recent maintenace that was done on your wiki, a few of pages that were previously inaccessible are accessible again. Some of those pages couldn't be fixed, because their name was taken by another page. For that reason, I've moved those pages to start with T173070. I'd like ask you to review those pages, mo...

    Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, interface administrator, etc.) was adopted by community consensusin 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy. You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no logged actions for 2 years) on this wiki....

    Hi! Some of the files you uploaded have no license. If you see this could you please add a license? And also a source (example "own photo"). --MGA73(留言) 2022年8月4日 (禮拜四) 18:55 (UTC)回覆[回覆] 1. I proposed to delete the files now Wikipedia:廳下#Mass_deletion_of_files. --MGA73(留言) 2022年8月16日 (禮拜二) 05:35 (UTC)回覆[回覆]

  3. › wiki › 鉍鉍 - 維基百科

    鉍 化學元素鉍嗰合成晶體,表面係非常薄而且閃光嗰氧化層。 鉍(Bismuth)係化學元素嗰一種,化學符號係Bi, 原子序數83,係金屬。 鉍嗰化學性質同砷、銻類似。 鉍係最反磁性(又叫做抗磁性)嗰金屬,亦係哩汞之外有最低熱導率嗰金屬。 鉍嗰化合物用來做化妝品、藥物跟醫療程序,可以用在 ...

  4. › wiki › 英國英國 - 維基百科

    英國係隻發達國家,佢係世界第六大嗰經濟體,揸得人均購買力算嗰話就係第七大。. [8] 佢係世界頭隻 工業化 嗰國家, [9] 故係到 19世紀 - 20世紀 嗰早期佢都係世界嗰頭號霸主, [10] 但因為兩回世界大戰嗰緣故同得20世紀後半期大英帝國嗰勢力嗰衰弱,英國箇 ...

  5. › wiki › 江南江南 - 維基百科

    唐朝 嗰 江南道 嗰範圍圖. 《裴註三國志》嗰卷七話:「以功加拜伏波將軍,甚得江淮間歡心,於是有吞滅江南之志。. 」箇隻「江南」係話三國裡頭嗰 東吳 。. 南北朝時間嗰「江南」嗰定義,像《舊唐書》嗰卷45話係「江南則以巾褐裙襦,北朝則雜以戎夷之製 ...

  6. › wiki › 氮氮 - 維基百科

    箇隻條目要譯或改寫到贛語。. (上道編輯:20150702184359). 勞架去 要譯成贛語嗰文章 許頭望吖 氮 嗰討論。. 要係箇隻條目兩隻禮拜都冇譯成贛語佢就可能會拕刪吥去或者移到 別嗰維基百科 。. 氮氣通電. 氮 (英文 Nitrogen ),又作 㲷 ,係一種 元素 ,符號 N ...

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